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Date Posted: 21:54:19 03/05/05 Sat
Author: squashed banans
Subject: Re: Serious Question
In reply to: it goes both ways 's message, "Re: Serious Question" on 08:36:39 03/05/05 Sat

hello "it goes both ways"
so i don't think that anyone ever was discriminating against females here..... Obviously it goes both ways... That wasn't the problem or issue or concern... It was simply a guy asking for other peopls opinions on the issue basically... and what he should doo... I do'nt think at any time people started thinking only females do that.... i think thats an absurd thought..... anyways... thats just me..... In regards to "we were created sexual and you should never feel the need to apologize for it!" I believe that you do need to apologize for sex before marriage. Not to perhaps anyone on earth but repentance to God. I mean ultimately its between you and Him and whether your heart is right with him.... And yeah there is no difference between lying and premarital sex as far as sin... Or wrather I agree that there shouldn't be. That doesn't make lying right either.... You bring up a good point/challenge. We should hold them on the same leveel. I believe honesty is key to life. HUGE to relationships.... It still, however, means that premarital sex is wrong. But yes we are human and things like sex are a lot more intimate to us. Than say lying. Or maybe i should say to me. I think thats why its a big deal. Compare lying to murder. I see the same "huge" difference as lying to premarital sex. Do you see what i'm saying? I'm saying that as much as it would be nice to put sex and murder on the same level as lying, though they should be, its difficult in our society to do this. And there aint much we can do about that.... Its good if individually we can break free from societies views but hey, we ARE human. we DO make mistakes. we don't view everything the way it should be.... At the same time, I agree that we shouldn't get ourselves so down over something like that.... I think if we have repented honestly and sincerely, that we should be free to move on... Just as we would if we repented for lying. do you catch my drift???? Wazi. So i feel as though i've been rambling on.... and i know someone is going to misinterpret something i've said but i'll try and clarify when that happens....
squashed banans.

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