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Date Posted: 07:09:52 03/07/05 Mon
Author: it goes both ways
Subject: just to clear it up...
In reply to: squashed banans 's message, "Re: Serious Question" on 21:54:19 03/05/05 Sat

when i said that we are all created equal i wasn't refering to premarital sex. i was refering to the fact that we are taught most of our lives that anything sexual is somehow wrong and that we need to repress that part of our lives. we are sexual beings (as well as physical and spiritual) and we need to accept that and deal with that responsibly. For example if you feel that premarital sex is wrong then that is how you are dealing with it responsibly. i just get the feeling that because premarital sex is considered a sin then we tend to categorize anything that has to do with sex as a sin as well. What needs to be understood is that while the act of premarital sex may be considered a sin, the act of sex itself isn't. i hope that helps you understand my rantsing earlier.

and in reference to my earlier rant, what i meant by it goes both ways is that somehow sex has become the responsiblity of the woman. this is just a small example of what i mean. take a man and a woman, you can obviously tell if a woman is a virgin or not, but it doesn't work the same way as with men. (if youdon't know what i mean please go to your doctor and they will explain it to you :)) so we have to deal with the repurcusions of sex, ie virginity, pregnancy... and all that. (and to fall back on a more familiar example, woman with multiple partners.. Whore/man with mutliple partner.. stud.) this doesn't really explain waht i mean but this is the best i can come up with at short notice.

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