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Date Posted: 17:11:06 04/07/05 Thu
Author: ginny
In reply to: Tabby 's message, "Re: POST COLLEGE PLANS" on 07:23:17 04/07/05 Thu

I will begin work on my MS (master's of science) in Hydrology (with a hydrogeology emphasis) at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, generally shortened to New Mexico Tech, and referred to as simply "Tech."
Oh, and this summer I'll be taking calc-based physics as a pre-requisite for my grad studies.

John- when you're an engineer, if you're ever doing stuff like deciding where to build things (houses, dams, basically anything outside) ALWAYS LISTEN TO THE GEOLOGISTS. They actually know what they're talking about when it comes to rock types and their properties. Geologists tend to be bitter towards engineers, because they never listen to us, and then things are disasters. Like building a dam in permeable sandstone, leading to its collapse, or putting large buildings on swamps by driving hundreds of telephone poles into the ground. It's just a bad idea.

anyways, that's all.

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