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Date Posted: 14:44:12 03/19/03 Wed
Author: Stuart
Subject: Re: Well here goes...
In reply to: Fraser 's message, "Re: Well here goes..." on 17:28:36 03/14/03 Fri

hi there fraser,

good to hear from you, yes it's great here and you should be very jealous, all of you should be. the full moon party was excellent, we were going to put a message up in the midst of our debauchery but the message board was down for a couple of days so you fortunately escaped that. but much dancing, slimming, drinking and smoking of krong thips was done, plus more dancing, a lot of smiling and the occassional little bit of flirting, by seamus obviously, in between vomiting into the sea. the bar we were by started playing all the 88/90 rave classics as the sun was rising over the sea, i couldn't have chosen better tunes if i'd tried. plus they played two versions of binary finary - heaven!

today we rented motorbikes and now think we are out of easy rider, buzzing about with no helmets and bare chests, so far neither of us have fallen off but it would seem to only be a matter of time.

anyway, if you get too jealous of all this, there is nothing to stop you coming out to join us at some stage, especially when things start to get heavy when we go north up into opium country (which has seamus excited no end) and then across into cambodia and vietnam - for where we are now the proud owners of visas, though the ink in mine run a bit on the boat over to ko phangan and now looks a bit tie-died, fingers crossed it will still work though.

still i hope things are going well in leeds, and i also hope that this ridiculousness over iraq has put you off the army for good now. hopefully we'll catch up when we get back - if we ever come back that is, weve been hearing good things about all sorts of places and the temptation to just keep on going grows stronger.

anyway, keep well, keep reading the message board and keep in touch,

love stu

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