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Date Posted: 17:22:56 03/16/03 Sun
Author: Seamus of course
Subject: Krong Thip

Hello folks
its young virile Seamus reporting here from the Island of dreams or relentless cigarette smoking as known to us well in particular to Stu who has developed a compulsive chain smoking habit since arriving in this amazing country!
Krong Thip are our most favoured choice of cheap cigarette of which we are consuming several kilos per day and the real reason for our love of these beautiful local produce is the actual words Krong thip said with high intonation but obviously with a Thai accent which we have nearly perfected and so enjoying just saying the 3 words (kroon koop kap) we know several times to non impressed locaLs thrills us immensely
sorry again as always in my life im ranting
We are in Koh Pah Nghan at the moment on the eve of the full moon party to celebrate St. Patricks Day of course!
We have had a lovely day hanging around wearing our new saroongs looking really cool, Stu with his beautiful red flower one on his head and me with my simple yet effective battik blue worn like a turban effect together with sunglasses and later an extra sarong around the waist only to catch a glimpse of ourselves at the end of the afternoon in a mirror and find 2 lanky middle eastern/turkish/greek looking fish wives left out for the taking
I was totally horriffied but obviously hysterical as we had a rendezvous with our mature friend Peter(think of pete urmston, same occupation but mature pete very naked... with leathery skin and considerably less hair but still just as reliable and I think I am growing to love him too!!) earlier which had fuelled me mentally and emotionally for the entire trip..
sorry about the brackets who knows what the hell I am going on about?
somebody please reply if only to tell me to get a grip
with that I need a Krong Thip
we are very excited and ready to do the vodka diet proud here at the full moon party
love and greetings to all
having an absolutely ball here with the lovely Stu talking and thinking and laughing etc..... about all of you lovingly of course

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