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Subject: Re: agent orange

Tom Dexter
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Date Posted: 09:46:35 05/25/12 Fri
In reply to: William Childers 's message, "agent orange" on 07:51:27 11/02/11 Wed

>In 1972 I was at Udorn for six months in the 432
>Security Police Sq. after leaving there and going home
>I got cancer in 1977 and now I have type 2 diabetes. I
>have been talking with the VA for 20 years and getting
>no where. Does anyone out there have any kind of info
>about Udorn using agent orange? The VA wants me to do
>their work for them and not help in anyway. I need
>all kinds of omfo to give them, including medical info
>that it even causes cancer from medical doctors.
I was aalso stationed at Udorn in 1972. Was NCOIC of K-9 section and NCOIC of Air Base Defense. I know a chemical agent was sprayed on the perimeter to kill vegetation in the wire and trip flare area. I had to go into the area to check trip flares to insure they had not been pinned so they would not go off. Don't know what chemical just know it killed everything in the area.

Tom Dexter CMSgt Retired.

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[> [> Subject: Re: agent orange

Mike Fisher (wow)
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Date Posted: 21:19:03 09/19/13 Thu

>>In 1972 I was at Udorn for six months in the 432
>>Security Police Sq. after leaving there and going home
>>I got cancer in 1977 and now I have type 2 diabetes. I
>>have been talking with the VA for 20 years and getting
>>no where. Does anyone out there have any kind of info
>>about Udorn using agent orange? The VA wants me to do
>>their work for them and not help in anyway. I need
>>all kinds of omfo to give them, including medical info
>>that it even causes cancer from medical doctors.
>I was aalso stationed at Udorn in 1972. Was NCOIC of
>K-9 section and NCOIC of Air Base Defense. I know a
>chemical agent was sprayed on the perimeter to kill
>vegetation in the wire and trip flare area. I had to
>go into the area to check trip flares to insure they
>had not been pinned so they would not go off. Don't
>know what chemical just know it killed everything in
>the area.
>Tom Dexter CMSgt Retired.
CMSGT Dexter,
This is Sgt Fisher aka the Fish from the 432 SPS MWDS where you were my NCOIC, Remember the night we were hit and I went down to the Alpha Sector to try and bring back Thai Guard Kamai. Got pinned downed by small arms and auto fire.
I have type 2 and a few other things and have been approved for my claims with the VA. Send me off an email at fish275@frontiernet.net so I can pass along some info to you. Sorry to learn of your illness and I hope it works out for you. By the way Tom I have been looking for you after I got back to the staten and got out. I ended up as a branch chief in canine for the US Custom Service / CBP. I do hope to get a reply from you and I do wish you all the best. Contact me please.
Fish ( Middletown, NY)

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