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Subject: agent orange

william j. wallace jr (help)
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Date Posted: 23:54:06 07/19/16 Tue

Sir , The only help that I can offer is how can they,(the government) explain why we MARINES never had to cut the grass? "I will tell you why because it could not grow there. Due to the fact that a Unit or outfit applied a very
good defoliant or poison. Think of all the rain! We would receive on a daily bases. Then look at the pictures posted. Hell, any were else in the world vegetation would come right back. Most people call it jungle. like that the grows in central America!
Now let's talk about the water. My Shop had a five gallon sparkles type. we could not even see throu the glass bottle

I was station at the M.C.A.S.Rose
Garden from ! October to August. In support of Task Force Delta. then I was transfer d with VMFA-115 To NAHA OKI. Then back to States.

I have suffered with Brain surgery, and now I am battling bladder cancer. I have claimed zero disability. I am starting to question my poor judgment.

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