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Subject: Re: Ubon Thailand- Agent Orange

Wayland C. Martin
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Date Posted: 17:38:22 10/15/16 Sat
In reply to: Pat Miller 's message, "Ubon Thailand- Agent Orange" on 21:51:40 08/06/11 Sat

>Saw your forum recently and need your help. I was stationed in Ubon 1970-71. Since that service I have contracted Type II Diabetes Retinopathy, Kidney disease, some heart concerns and other medical problems. I have submitted an initial claim in 2012 but was denied.In 2014 I sent a notice of disagreement and submitted a claim appeal along with any other evidence I could find. It has been over 2 years and have heard nothing. I may have time to submit additional information.
I know that agent orange was stored on base, planes were loaded on base that flew spraying missions, planes leaked the herbicide upon taking off from the base and landing on the base as well as the fence line and interior base sections were sprayed. But did not know I needed to take pictures at the time.
I am asking for any additional help you may be able to provide. You may have some information or reports I was not able to find along with if possible a copy of final findings by the VA on your case.
Thank you for any assistance you may be able to provide.

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[> Subject: Re: Ubon Thailand- Agent Orange

Mark l griffiths (Really depressed)
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Date Posted: 06:00:44 06/05/17 Mon

>Saw your forum recently and need your help. My
>husband was stationed in Ubon 1967-68. After
>returning, the next year, he developed Type II
>Diabetes and lost teeth due to this. He now has many
>medical problems: Polyneuropathy,
>Prostate Camcer just to mention a few. At this time
>we are gathering medical reports for VA & will be
>signing up for Agent Orange. If you can assist us
>with any proof of agent Orange during that time, we
>would greatly appreciate it. We also had a 30 yr old
>nephew die who was based at Udorn. I suspect the same
>with him.
>I am very interested in reading your 150 page report.
>How many miles is Ubon from Cambodia? I grew up in
>the south where crop dusters came over the fields.
>When it was windy the spray went every where but on
>the crops. Could this have also happened with Agent
>Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Ubon Thailand- Agent Orange

william (bailey)
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Date Posted: 14:41:10 12/09/17 Sat

saw this post was stationed in korat 68-69 the following web site is very helpful http://www.westin553.net/batcat21.htm
>>Saw your forum recently and need your help. My
>>husband was stationed in Ubon 1967-68. After
>>returning, the next year, he developed Type II
>>Diabetes and lost teeth due to this. He now has many
>>medical problems: Polyneuropathy,
>>Prostate Camcer just to mention a few. At this time
>>we are gathering medical reports for VA & will be
>>signing up for Agent Orange. If you can assist us
>>with any proof of agent Orange during that time, we
>>would greatly appreciate it. We also had a 30 yr old
>>nephew die who was based at Udorn. I suspect the same
>>with him.
>>I am very interested in reading your 150 page report.
>>How many miles is Ubon from Cambodia? I grew up in
>>the south where crop dusters came over the fields.
>>When it was windy the spray went every where but on
>>the crops. Could this have also happened with Agent
>>Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

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