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Date Posted: 15:48:56 06/18/06 Sun
Author: Harry Faber
Subject: Re: Marble Mountain, 15 JAN 67
In reply to: LTC Chip Krokoski (Ret) 's message, "Marble Mountain, 15 JAN 67" on 09:38:08 06/14/06 Wed

>I'm searching for any information I can get on a
>Marine from my hometown. CPL Richard A. Funelli Jr.,
>from Farrell, PA was KIA 15 JAN 67. He was with the
>Weapons Platoon, Kilo Company, 3/1 Marines. It
>appears he was one of nine Marines from Kilo Company
>killed that day. CPL Funelli was a friend of my
>sister. I was in seventh grade and watched his
>funeral from a school window across the street from
>Our Lady of Fatima Church. His Honor Guard, dressed
>in their Blues, seemed impervious to the miserable
>weather that day. All the students crammed at the
>windows to watch ... Richard was the first casualty
>from our town. The conduct of those Marines that day
>instilled in me the desire to seek a military career.
>Know one knew exactly how he was killed and asking the
>family was out-of-the-question. I've searched for
>almost forty years for an answer. If you can provide
>some info, I would be grateful.
Cpl Funelli was a machine gunner. His position was hit by sappers and the sand bags fell on top of him and he died that way. I believe he had less than 30 days left in Viet Nam. I also believe he was awarded brinze star for actions a few weeks earlier to this engagement. A lot of positions were hit with satchel charges that night. My hootch was blown up , even what I was sleeping on! It was like Custers last stand! I was with 60 mortars.

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  • Re: Marble Mountain, 15 JAN 67 -- Thomas McTernan (Deeply sad), 12:13:50 01/10/12 Tue

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