Date Posted:12:13:50 01/10/12 Tue Author:Thomas McTernan (Deeply sad) Subject: Re: Marble Mountain, 15 JAN 67 In reply to:
LTC Chip Krokoski (Ret)
's message, "Marble Mountain, 15 JAN 67" on 09:38:08 06/14/06 Wed
>I'm searching for any information I can get on a
>Marine from my hometown. CPL Richard A. Funelli Jr.,
>from Farrell, PA was KIA 15 JAN 67. He was with the
>Weapons Platoon, Kilo Company, 3/1 Marines. It
>appears he was one of nine Marines from Kilo Company
>killed that day. CPL Funelli was a friend of my
>sister. I was in seventh grade and watched his
>funeral from a school window across the street from
>Our Lady of Fatima Church. His Honor Guard, dressed
>in their Blues, seemed impervious to the miserable
>weather that day. All the students crammed at the
>windows to watch ... Richard was the first casualty
>from our town. The conduct of those Marines that day
>instilled in me the desire to seek a military career.
>Know one knew exactly how he was killed and asking the
>family was out-of-the-question. I've searched for
>almost forty years for an answer. If you can provide
>some info, I would be grateful.
I was there the next morning to witness the aftermath of the incredible battle that took place. Our Brothers fought very well. Fourteen courageous Marine's Marine's lost their lives that night. Should you want more details, by all means get in touch with me. Jack Mitchell from Woodland, California was in the battle that night and I can put you in touch with him if you like. Tom McTernan