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Date Posted: 19:42:25 06/08/07 Fri
Author: Shery (Thank you)
Subject: reply to Rabbi Stanley

In reply to Rabbi Stanley's message about the Gentiles being as one with Jews. I want to say that what you've written on this is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. I'm an middle aged Gentile Christian who loves Jesus. I live in a large city, in which we haven't a large Jewish population, but since I came to know Jesus, he has given me much wisdom concerning the Jews, and a love, respect, and admiration that comes from Him. You are so right, through the blood of Jesus our Messiah we are one in Him. I go to a Messianic church now, with a beautiful Rabbi and beautiful people. But how did I arrive there? One night I had a dream. There were absolutely NO words in the dream and it lasted only a few minutes. In the dream I was in a beautiful, small church, the door was open and the sun was shining in through the open door. A warm, loving Jewish man was showing me around the church. I was aware that I was in a Jewish congregation. How did I know he was Jewish, and how did I know the church was Jewish? I don't know. No words were spoken. But when I awoke, I wanted to go back!! I was so sad to wake up and not be there. I began to pray, Dear Jesus, take me to your people. It was like a hunger for a food I had to find. I had totally forgotten that a short time before all this I had begged Jesus to show me what he was keeping me here on earth for. After the dream I happened to be telling a woman at work about my dream, and she said, "Well honey, there is a church like that somewhere in the city, look it up!" I did, and I found "Rosh Pinah, a messianic Jewish congregation." I was afraid to go alone, and asked people to go with me. Everyone refused. But I knew i had to go. Its as if someone was dragging me there by an invisible rope. The minute I walked in the music was playing, the Rabbi was up front, the words were in Hebrew and English, and I began to immediately cry. I knew I was home. And suddenly, it all came together as in a puzzle.....when I prayed for my reason for being left on earth....then I had the dream. Then i had a driving hunger for Jesus to take me to His people.....none of this was my idea...HE gave me dream, He gave me the hunger, He gave me the friend who told me to look it up....He held the invisible rope....He was answering my prayer, as if He were saying "THIS" is what i'm leaving you here for. Now i know it is my job to sit and learn from the messianic Jews, and I also know it is my job to help bring the Gentiles to the Jews to learn and fellowship as one. I just don't know HOW yet. But if HE did all this other, do you not agree that in due time he will show me HOW??? I am also learning some of the persecution you spoke of. My daughter was raised by me to love the Jews, although we never knew any personally. Her husband has forbidden me to take my grandsons, ages 3 and 5 to the Jewish Messianic church....it hurts deeply, but I know Our Messiah will fix this problem....I feel the rejection, the prejudice....but nothing will seperate me now from my people, the Jews. My family and friends need to get used to it, because I refuse to change. I've finally found the real thing and I'll never leave it. Jesus made gentiles and Jews both, and He loves us both, why would He not love something He created? But as Gentiles we must learn to learn from the Jews. I love your article, Rabbi, and I love you my brother, and we are as one. This brings me such joy in my spirit I cry. One Saturday my Rabbi was preaching from the book of acts and telling us this same thing, the Jews and Gentiles are ONE, and I heard Jesus speaking through him, and I felt Jesus saying to me "Is this what you needed to hear?" And i began to sob and cry in my spirit so hard that I lost my breath and I looked down, and in the seat in front of me, shoved back under a chair was a new box full of kleenex sitting there!! Jesus has us covered, right down to the kleenex for our tears! Your article, Rabbi was truly from the Lord and so absolutely Lovely! Thank you. If you know of any ways I can do my job for Jesus and bring the Gentiles to the Jews, please let me know. Again, thank you, and I love you my Brother, in Christ Jesus. To him be the glory and praise.

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