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Date Posted: 01:04:05 07/09/07 Mon
Author: Rabbi Stanley
Subject: Re: Please be kind
In reply to: Jennilee 's message, "Please be kind" on 08:10:22 06/15/07 Fri

Shalom Jennilee,
Sorry it's been so long since I've been able to reply. I've been in the process of moving but I'm finally settled in. I'm now living in Canada in British Columbia. It's beautiful here.
In response, you are absolutely on the right path! The Spirit of G-d has guided you to understanding that the truth is in the Jewish roots of Christian faith. That's what Messianic Judaism is. We've seen that theology doesn't mesh up with what the churches are teaching. The vast majority of what's taught in church today is nonsense. It's gotten so far away from what Yeshua (Jesus) taught 2,000 years ago that it only slightly resembles the Brit Hadasha (New Testament) that they read from occasionally. It's very sad what has happened but G-d has risen up Born Again Jews to take back the Scripture which has been Gentilized and put it back into a Jewish framework, and boy what a difference! One cannot interpret a Jewish Bible from a Gentile mindset, it doesn't work anymore then a man from china teaching Shakespeare who doesn't understand English or English customs. Compound that by 2,000 and you have a big mess and that's what we have. I'm not saying that Messianics have all the answers, but we're on the right track. We've only been around for the last 40 years (the new Messianic movement) and we have a lot to undo in the church but we're getting there. We've made some mistakes along the way but we're learning.
Read the articles on this site and watch the videos and you'll see we're very different from any church you'll go to.
If you have any questions, drop a line,
Rabbi Stanley

>I'm not sure if there is where I am supposed to go,
>but I am trying to find out information. I have been
>searching for the right path for many years, and I
>hope I have found the right one. First off, I'm not
>jewish, I grew up a mormon in Wyoming. I left the
>church several years ago, when doctrine didn't agree
>with what my heart said. Basically, I believe in
>Christ, but I feel that many churches have strayed
>from what the original was, basically Judism. Christ
>was a Jew, and basically I want to get back to basics
>and I was hoping to get information here. Thank you
>for you're time.
>Jennilee in Alaska

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