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Date Posted: 11:20:47 03/01/03 Sat
Author: Serge
Subject: (inside)
In reply to: Serge Voltrax 's message, "The rat wanders..." on 15:55:39 02/18/03 Tue

OOC: Eh...two things judging by your extensive wounds i doubt you'll be able to keep going... slash on the face and back? a slash on the back might have cut your backbone and paralyzed you or when performing simple motions caused great pain due the cut skin and muscles... And the cut to your face... by closing your eyes, you still would get a hefty cut from the blade in your eye...and must creatures that get a cut directly on their face wouldn't actually keep fighting unless it was a badger or monitor lizard... and to Lazro... WAIT YOUR TURN PAL!!!! However...seeing as how you want your character to die due to the fact that i am armed, less wounds than you... here's my post
BIC: Wasting no time, while the fox wipes his wound and grabs some sand the rat rolls to the side and uses his sword to quickly support him up... He watches as the fox in his fury hurls sand and a stone at his original location. Then with his fangshaped blade he moves forward thrusting his blade and readying his short sword...

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  • Inside -- Lightninglance the Berserker, 05:51:54 03/02/03 Sun
  • OOC: When, at the end, I say 'he', I mean Serge. (NT) -- Lightning, 05:53:46 03/02/03 Sun

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