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Date Posted: 05:51:54 03/02/03 Sun
Author: Lightninglance the Berserker
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Serge Voltrax 's message, "The rat wanders..." on 15:55:39 02/18/03 Tue

OOC: Yes, that is Lightning's full title. Lightninglance the Berserker. The cut was a lucky one. Actually, don't blame me for this. He wears mail. (Gaarrggh! Darnit, idiot me! *Pounds self on head for stupidity.*) But chainmail has weak spots. So, lets say that the mail deflected part of the force of the blow, Lightning still got a fairly… Nasty? cut. Then, if you close your eye, a blade would travel right over it. And Lightning is one of my oldest chars. Drach is fairly new, and Lightning and Mai were made at about the same time. Though Lightning is my main char. Also, I advise you repost. After falling on the ground with considerable force, he'd not only be winded, but maybe even stunned.

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