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Date Posted: 11:12:57 01/13/07 Sat
In reply to: JOHN 's message, "ZAFIRA 2.0 DIESEL COMFORT 02" on 13:21:47 07/22/06 Sat

>I purchased the car about 1 Year old,the topping up
>oil was very frequent, about half a Litre per 1500
>mile (very thirsty).
>I was using Vauxhall procedure to check oil level.
>I had an oil change I do this about every 3K miles
>because do low mileage per year.
>I use Halfords fully synthetic this was on offer '2
>for the price of one' working out about £17.50 for 5
>Litres not unreasonable.
>I also returned to checking oil after standing
>overnight on level ground.
>I am not which is\was solution to the oil consmption,
>now top ups not required between changes (3000 miles
>in my case)
>There is a theory the oil drains slowly ie more than 5
>minutes stated by Vauxhall.If the oil is topped up it
>is overfilled and burns this excess oil.

`Cor Blimey - what`s all this stuff about Vauxhall`s using oil like dypso`s? I found this forum `cos I thought to try finding out about V`s, after years of Fords, (which are getting a bit pricey 2nd hand these days - so look elsewhere?)

Using a liter of oil in 1000 miles is crazy. My 1992 JReg 2.0L 4x4 Sierra has 235,000 miles up and I put in about a litre of oil a year. That`s over about 15,000 miles but there is a slight seepage from the camcovers. Sometimes I take pity and have it serviced; about twice in the last three years. That would include an oil change. So 15,000 miles per litre is not quite accurate.

I was thinking a V might do; no more!

Thanks lads - I guess I`d better shop elsewhere.


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Re: ZAFIRA 2.0 DIESEL COMFORT 02Graham Keens05:30:29 08/07/07 Tue

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