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Subject: Re: Astra 2.0Dti 16v

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Date Posted: 11:51:17 10/23/02 Wed
In reply to: Craig Miller 's message, "Astra 2.0Dti 16v" on 08:59:35 10/23/02 Wed


Yes it has the same engine as fitted to the Zafira & Vectra.

1 litre every 2000 miles is better than many 2.0Dti Vauxhalls out there but I feel that amount is still unacceptable. Servicing on that engine (on the Zafira Anyway) is 20000 miles, even at 1 litre per 2000 miles that amounts to 10 litres of Oil between services and I bet that when servicing comes around Vauxhall would change the oil and charge you for it!! You also stand no chance of Vauxhall doing anything about it because at tha back of your handbook it states that it may use 1 litre per 1000 miles. You wont find that info in the glossy sales brochures. Having said that it is always worth complaining mention this site and if enough of us make enough noise then maybe someone will listen. Oh and if your in the UK Contact Watchdog (link on the Links page)

>Having just bought a s/hand Astra 2.0Dti 16v I am now
>a bit worried. Is this the same engine used in the
>Zafira? and if so does it suffer the same high oil
>consumption as the latter? I have done about 2000
>miles and used 1 lite of oil, is this good or bad?

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