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Subject: Oil consumption power loss and brakes

James Death
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Date Posted: 15:16:35 01/29/03 Wed

Tis i sunny D,
Ill cut to the chase, My 2 litre low presure diesel was purchased from a dealer as a four month old curtesy bus having 5 kids i had to get into debt needing a mpv along with negative equity from the sintra we had for a week another story.
Anyway the oil consumption was a bit steep but told to keep checking on it every 300 miles a few times it got very low, kept on top of it and around 30,000 it seems to be ok all diesels will use a bit.
The brakes squeled soon after collection taken in cleaned all ok for a good while, When noise returned was told pads down to rivets and destroyed discs cost would be over £400 as not covered by warranty as wear and tear items. I made a stink and said the pads do not wear out in some 8,000 miles got the manager and he had to agree. After work done i was told the brakes were not binding.
Upon return of squeling brakes i checked them out the out side pad was worn 8 times more than the piston side this appears to be bad design as crudd builds up behind the pad and holds it to the disc. The caliper are non serviceable as they are collet type like abs and srew out the piston not slide there have been no problems so there is no service kit instead they cost £250 each or was it more.
Discs for the rear cost £14 -£17 each dependant on size the pads for the complete axle ie both wheels are about £13 these are motor factor prices not dealers of course.
Will be changing my pads when i have the time and nerve as i tend to break things, i would advise people to keep an eye on the pads as the bit of metal that catches the disc to tell you the pads are low os on the piston side so will not worn you that the other pad is low keep the chanell that the pad runs back and forth on clear of muck and coper slip it. a mechanic at the master fit centre the ones built on to most vauxhall dealers advised taking a little of each end of the pads metal backing to aid movement master fit would charge about £45 to fit new pads all inclusive.
The loss of engine power and electronic management light coming on, i experienced this just after service on my way on holiday the car lossed power you could make headway but it would only gain about 10mph over 10 minutes and get a gradient and you slow fast changing down no help. Pull over and it clears carry on and after about 50 miles its back all this of course on the motorway. Checked oil it was well over full. When returning to dealers they took excess oil out and said nothing about light coming on and i thought it was due to the over fill of oil, they always overfill a little they said, as it was diesel and burns a little. This time it was more than a little a friend with a calibra said turn ignition on off about twelve times would clear the computer and reset it. All hunkey dory till a few months ago, as i dont do much motorway runs it was never run up to good wack, but now the light comes on at about 2,200-revs and 55-60 mph. I could remember buying the carmechanics magazine once as it had a feature on the smart car and noted that they had a section where a car computer management expert would answer letters so baught a copy to get the email address. After speeking to Simon he said that in his experiance and reading my problems with the light coming on that all vauxhals more so diesels if over filled with oil would wreck the airmass or hotfilm meter as it is known, this would give the problems i have experienced these cost about £125 from dealer or otherwise he advises to get the fault code read but i will see if i can get a cheep reader although im resigned to this bieng the case of the meter. A dealer will charge about £30-£50 to read the code. Hope this is of help to folk. I will do the oil changes myself in future and although the interval says every 10,000 miles i will either use magnatec at £23 for 5lt every 5-6,000 miles or if another good fully synthetic oil is half the price the interval will be every 3,000 or 3 months only having the dealer do such as the cam belt change when needed.
Sorry for the whoffle and terible spelling.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Oil consumption power loss and brakesJames Death15:31:22 01/29/03 Wed

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