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Subject: Re: 2.0Dti Warm up Time

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Date Posted: 15:49:30 02/08/03 Sat
In reply to: Les 's message, "Re: 2.0Dti Warm up Time" on 05:22:57 02/08/03 Sat

Hi Les

I was not charged for this, you should not be charged for the wiper modification as long as you car is still under warranty. My brother in law has a Zafira and has just booked his car in to have this done, he has been assured there will be no charge.

>Can you tell me if your dealer charged for the
>modified wiper linkage - mine has just offered me this
>fix, but seems uncertain whether it can be carried out
>under warantee or not?
>>The Wiper & Rear Brake problems are acknowledged by
>>Vauxhall. I had a modified Wiper linkage fitted to
>>mine which after a few visits for minor adjustments
>>has cured the problem. The rear brake problem is the
>>handbrake not releasing fully the fix for this is
>>weights Vauxhall add to the Handbrake cable to help it
>>release. I belive they will not accept the Oil
>>Consumption problem because of the cost of expensive
>>nature of the fix!
>>>I've noticed the long warm up time on my Zafira
>>>compared with the old Rover 216 I owned before. I
>>>would say it takes at least twice the time but could
>>>it not be because of improved efficiency ie. less
>>>waste heat?
>>>The oil comsumption is a worry also, I thought the 1
>>>litre per 1000 miles would improve after a couple of
>>>thousand miles but after 6000 it hasn't.
>>>My rear brakes still often groan at low speed, is
>>>the brake dragging problem? The dealer hasn't fixed
>>>I have had the wipers adjusted at the dealers but to
>>>no effect. This is obviously the old Right Hand Drive
>>>Vs Left Hand Drive problem that we used to see on
>>>British Leyland cars (made in UK, designed for
>>>europe). I think I will get the wiper arms in a vice
>>>shortly to sort it!
>>>I wish I had read all these comments BEFORE I bought
>>>the thing!
>>>My motor is badged as an OPEL which means the dealers
>>>will only give me 1 years warranty!
>>>>that's not uncommon with diesels. I have Seat Toledo
>>>>1.9TDi and it takes 6 miles to reach normal working
>>>>temperature! I guess it must be the cast-iron block
>>>>used in diesels.
>>>>>My 2.0DTi Zafira takes an age to reach running
>>>>>usually about 4 to 6 miles, more in the Winter. It
>>>>>takes 2 to 3 miles for the gauge to move at all. I
>>>>>have had this checked and apparently it is normal
>>>>>although I have never had a car take that long to
>>>>>up. Is this normal? Do all 2.0DTi engines take this
>>>>>long to warm up?

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Re: 2.0Dti Warm up TimeLes01:28:04 03/29/03 Sat

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