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Date Posted: 01:54:00 11/10/04 Wed
Author: : )
Subject: Lesbian Idol

As much as I think the lesbian Idol at the candy bar is a great idea, the voting system reminded me of the recent American elections. I recently went to watch Lesbian Idol, and was horrified at how the winner won. The reason they won was due to half the bar being full of her mates, consequently nobody else stood a chance.Making this a popularity contest not a reflection of talent. The guy that was walking around with a ballot box also kept on showing no.6's (the eventual winner's number) in order to coax unsure voters. Bush anyone? With respect, the validity of the winners in this competition should be indeed questioned. Why was there not a panel of voters? Come on girls, get it together! The competition has been well advertised, the bar was full, on the whole a well organised project I am sure you feel, however I left the bar thinking what a scam. A shame.

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