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Date Posted: 21:28:27 11/10/04 Wed
Author: Jo
Subject: Re: Lesbian Idol
In reply to: : ) 's message, "Lesbian Idol" on 01:54:00 11/10/04 Wed

whilst the voting for the heats is left up to the audience (number 6's friends) the final at wet pussy nightclub in brighton will be judged by a panel. This will consist of personalities, celebrities and music industry proffesionals. I would hope a lesbian singing contest is not quite as important as the voting in of a leader of the USA! It is supposed to be fun, not politics!! However your comments are duely noted as everyone should have a fair chance based on voice and personality. Point taken, if you have any suggestions of how to judge the heats in a fun and interesting way please do put them forward. The heats have taken place over 4 weeks in london and brighton, and have all produced very different results. The contestants have ranged from bonkers to talented and back again as have the audiences. I hope you can make it to the final as it is going to be an extrodinary night...... one way or another!!

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