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Subject: Re: I cant get away from my ouija experience

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Date Posted: 10:00:22 03/09/09 Mon
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In reply to: Beck 's message, "I cant get away from my ouija experience" on 03:28:53 03/07/09 Sat


Connie here....you already know that you are in spiritual trouble. Please go to my testimony at <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.spiritualcuriosity.com">http://www.spiritualcuriosity.com</a> The page will give you how I struggled to get back to peace of mind and soul after my spiritual fight with the demon I "channeled" through the board.

A spiritual problem demands a spiritual answer..my answer was discovering that Jesus Christ is a personal God that can and did deliver me from the demon that almost killed me.

Maybe you don't like religion or maybe you think religion is an intellectual exercise. Jesus didn't like religion...and neither do I.

So how do you "get free"? First accept Jesus Christ into your heart, soul and life, ask Jesus for forgivess for your sins--especially for seeking supernatual knowledge apart from Him and invite the Holy Spirit to live in you. You will receive a hunger for the spiritual things of God.

Begin to break off generational curses in your family line and the curse you received by playing the board. "I break off all generational curses on behalf of myself, all past generations and all future generations in the name of Jesus and thank you Jesus that I am free. "I renounce the Ouija board and the demon that came in the box." I will only seek supernatural wisdom and revelation through Jesus Christ the Son of God. I break all curses attached to the Ouija board and send them to the pit of hell in Jesus name."

You will need to anoint and pray over your home. Please know that you have to have know and love Jesus Christ for this to get rid of demons. You can't just say the words. You can contact a charismatic church that believes in deliverance and ask them to do it for you. (Not all churches believe in deliverance so find one that is practicing deliverance and is sucessful.)

There are many powerful charismatic Christian ministries on the net....I will email a few links to you. Christianity is a daily walk. Get yourself a bible and begin to read and study it (start with the Gospel of John)...one that can be easily understood, get into a good Holy Spirit filled chruch and begin to grow as a Christian.

Jesus saved my life and you can be free of all oppression but this is very serious--there are no instant solution unless God in His mercy instantly delivers you...you will have to fight spiritual warfare and come against demonic oppression and possible possession IN FAITH. I fought spiritual battle for two years before the demon in me was cast out of my life and my body.


>I hope someone who reads this can give me some advice,
>I am 28. About 10 years ago I lived with other
>teenagers in a student boarding house here in
>Adelaide. The premises was previously a mental
>institution/hospital, and had been since the 1960's.
>But when i lived their it was a student boarding
>house. I thought it would be cool to do a seance. I
>initiated it. I talked some of the other students into
>doing it too, and there was about ten of us. I made
>the ouija board out of bits of paper cut into small
>squares, with the letters of the alphabet each on the
>cut up squares, and put them in a circle out on a
>large wooden table. I had cut out squares for 'yes'
>and 'no', and put them in the center of the circle. It
>was about ten pm. We messed around on it for a bit,
>and I was writing letters down as they came up. But it
>was all jibberish. By 11-12 midnite, some of the
>students involved started getting bored with it, and
>one by one left the 'game'. It was down to 5 of us
>when things started to get really wierd. The board was
>still spelling out random letters, but the force
>behind the glass became very strong. It spelt out
>'earnostong', and kept spelling it out. By the third
>time it had spelt it, as i was writing it down, I
>realised something. I thought maybe 'ear, nose,
>tongue'. I suddenly felt my insides turn as I thought
>about my ear, nose and tongue piercings. Was it trying
>to tell me something? Then we looked at the time and
>it was 4 30 am. But it had only been midnight several
>minutes earlier. The five of us went to bed feeling
>spooked, but for some reason the next night we wanted
>to do it again. We took it into a more private room
>and set it up. The same thing happened consecutively
>for several nights, its like we were drawn to it. On
>the third night we were asking 'are you a good spirit
>or an evil spirit'. It moved to 'g','o','d'. We did
>not believe it, and we started thinking it might be an
>evil spirit. So we asked again' are you a good
>spirit', this time it spelt out 'g' 'o' 'a' 't'. None
>of us knew what it meant. I suddenly thought about the
>devil, having goat-like horns. Was that a connection?
>I wasn't sure, but started to feel very very spooked.
>It then spelt out 'cry a tear'. We didnt think much of
>it, but another girl at the table suddenly turned
>pale. As we found out, this is what was written on her
>friends grave who had died last year, which none of us
>knew about. Enough was enough, we all felt that
>something was suddenly alot more dangerous. We had
>been up from 7:00pm-5:00am for 5 nights straight. We
>agreed-no more. We went out onto the balcony on the
>other side of the building for a cigarrette. It was
>cold so we took blankets. One guy, Jack (the only guy
>who was involved in the seonce with us, he was a real
>joker type guy), rested his head on my lap and fell to
>sleep. I continued talking to the other girls, it was
>4am. Then we heard a whimpering, sobbing. It was Jack.
>He was really sobbing, and whimpering, almost howling,
>in his sleep. It was a really wierd noise and is hard
>to describe. We laughed at first, and started trying
>to wake him. But we couldn't. I started shaking him
>yelling 'Jack, Jack..', all of a sudden he sat up and
>looked around, dazed. 'Whats wrong with you? You musta
>been dreaming about something, you were crying, and
>kind of howling...' He didn't know what we were
>talking about, but as he felt his face wet from tears
>he was equally surprised.Suddenly I remembered the
>last thing the ouija board had spelt out-'cry a tear'.
>We went to bed. Sometime about an hour later, I woke
>to find tears pouring out of my eyes, and I was making
>a whimpering/howling noise, same as Jack had earlier.
>I shook my head and sat up. 'What the hell is going
>on?' I thought. Next day when I saw my friends, we all
>looked at each other. The same thing had happened to
>each of us who were involved in the seonce. We had
>each woken up in the night, crying and making strange,
>whimpering noises.
>I have not, and will never touch, a ouija board since.
>I have not been able to ever get rid of the feeling of
>uneasiness inside me since this happened. I feel like
>something has been with me ever since. Whenever I talk
>about it, even writing this, I get this horrible, dark
>feeling of a presence around me. Does anyone know what
>I can do?

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Subject Author Date
Re: I cant get away from my ouija experienceMaximus (INFINITUS EST NUMERUS STULTORUM)15:04:17 04/06/09 Mon

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