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Date Posted: 15:04:17 04/06/09 Mon
Author Host/IP: In reply to:
's message, "I cant get away from my ouija experience" on 03:28:53 03/07/09 Sat
Seriously take this story to a Catholic priest, if he won't listen go to another.
If not leave your e-mail with your post, when you post a reply.
Start praying. Look for this prayer "St. Michael the Archangel"
>I hope someone who reads this can give me some advice,
>I am 28. About 10 years ago I lived with other
>teenagers in a student boarding house here in
>Adelaide. The premises was previously a mental
>institution/hospital, and had been since the 1960's.
>But when i lived their it was a student boarding
>house. I thought it would be cool to do a seance. I
>initiated it. I talked some of the other students into
>doing it too, and there was about ten of us. I made
>the ouija board out of bits of paper cut into small
>squares, with the letters of the alphabet each on the
>cut up squares, and put them in a circle out on a
>large wooden table. I had cut out squares for 'yes'
>and 'no', and put them in the center of the circle. It
>was about ten pm. We messed around on it for a bit,
>and I was writing letters down as they came up. But it
>was all jibberish. By 11-12 midnite, some of the
>students involved started getting bored with it, and
>one by one left the 'game'. It was down to 5 of us
>when things started to get really wierd. The board was
>still spelling out random letters, but the force
>behind the glass became very strong. It spelt out
>'earnostong', and kept spelling it out. By the third
>time it had spelt it, as i was writing it down, I
>realised something. I thought maybe 'ear, nose,
>tongue'. I suddenly felt my insides turn as I thought
>about my ear, nose and tongue piercings. Was it trying
>to tell me something? Then we looked at the time and
>it was 4 30 am. But it had only been midnight several
>minutes earlier. The five of us went to bed feeling
>spooked, but for some reason the next night we wanted
>to do it again. We took it into a more private room
>and set it up. The same thing happened consecutively
>for several nights, its like we were drawn to it. On
>the third night we were asking 'are you a good spirit
>or an evil spirit'. It moved to 'g','o','d'. We did
>not believe it, and we started thinking it might be an
>evil spirit. So we asked again' are you a good
>spirit', this time it spelt out 'g' 'o' 'a' 't'. None
>of us knew what it meant. I suddenly thought about the
>devil, having goat-like horns. Was that a connection?
>I wasn't sure, but started to feel very very spooked.
>It then spelt out 'cry a tear'. We didnt think much of
>it, but another girl at the table suddenly turned
>pale. As we found out, this is what was written on her
>friends grave who had died last year, which none of us
>knew about. Enough was enough, we all felt that
>something was suddenly alot more dangerous. We had
>been up from 7:00pm-5:00am for 5 nights straight. We
>agreed-no more. We went out onto the balcony on the
>other side of the building for a cigarrette. It was
>cold so we took blankets. One guy, Jack (the only guy
>who was involved in the seonce with us, he was a real
>joker type guy), rested his head on my lap and fell to
>sleep. I continued talking to the other girls, it was
>4am. Then we heard a whimpering, sobbing. It was Jack.
>He was really sobbing, and whimpering, almost howling,
>in his sleep. It was a really wierd noise and is hard
>to describe. We laughed at first, and started trying
>to wake him. But we couldn't. I started shaking him
>yelling 'Jack, Jack..', all of a sudden he sat up and
>looked around, dazed. 'Whats wrong with you? You musta
>been dreaming about something, you were crying, and
>kind of howling...' He didn't know what we were
>talking about, but as he felt his face wet from tears
>he was equally surprised.Suddenly I remembered the
>last thing the ouija board had spelt out-'cry a tear'.
>We went to bed. Sometime about an hour later, I woke
>to find tears pouring out of my eyes, and I was making
>a whimpering/howling noise, same as Jack had earlier.
>I shook my head and sat up. 'What the hell is going
>on?' I thought. Next day when I saw my friends, we all
>looked at each other. The same thing had happened to
>each of us who were involved in the seonce. We had
>each woken up in the night, crying and making strange,
>whimpering noises.
>I have not, and will never touch, a ouija board since.
>I have not been able to ever get rid of the feeling of
>uneasiness inside me since this happened. I feel like
>something has been with me ever since. Whenever I talk
>about it, even writing this, I get this horrible, dark
>feeling of a presence around me. Does anyone know what
>I can do?
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