Ashley (Nervous, maybe scared)
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Date Posted: 07:48:19 03/13/09 Fri
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I don't use the ouija board, I'm too afraid. But, my back a graveyard. It's the oldsest graveyard in my town, probably county also. I mean it's very old, there are graves from the 1500's. I've lived by the graveyard for my whole life, it's not an real old house that I live in but it's not new. It was built about maybe 50 years ago. I'm 16 years old and I keep feeling a presence, whever I go. I don't know if this is wishful thinking because of my age and I possibly crave attention, I do not know. But, I use to walk through the graveyard all the time, not having worries, not being afraid of it. I haven't been in there for a while because of the weather but, it seems to be getting better out and I'm afraid to go back. Whenever I look at the graveyard or thik about going back, I get chills on my back in three places, like someones touching me or trying to hold me. And when I leave my house I feel the chills on my arms and my back, like it never leaves me. My bedroom window faces the graveyard and I close the blinds, I feel as if someone or something is watching me. But, when I look back I see nothing. I'll have this dream, it's not always the same one but, there is always this man. He's younger, about 20. Some dreams we're in love, some he's died, one I was pregnant and he kept leaving. I've always felt a presence since my grandfather died. But, since I've been having these dreams, whixh aren't very often I've been feeling the presence more now. I don't hear voices, I just feel like someones watching me, they are around me, and like they are trying to touch me, I also see shadows from the corner of my eyes, but, when I look I see nothing. I'm concerned and don't know whats going on. I'm very nervous and I don't know weather to I'm scared or just waiting fro something to happen.
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