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Subject: Re: I'm concerned and don't know whats going on?

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Date Posted: 17:26:22 03/18/09 Wed
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In reply to: Ashley 's message, "I'm concerned and don't know whats going on?" on 07:48:19 03/13/09 Fri

It sounds to me like a spirit is trying to court you; making attempts to familiarize himself with you and form emotional attachments. If you want someone to help you then I'm sure they can do so to some degree or another, some doing it in this manner and another in that. Everyone has there opinion about this, but if what I say has any bearing on you at all then listen to what I tell you. Demons only want two things: to possess you and/or cause you to sin. The only way to truly free yourself from demonic power is to free yourself from sin because sin is the overarching factor that keeps you separated from God. If you want to be rid of those "feelings" and live a relatively peaceful life then I'm sure a spiritualist from varying walks of life can help you to achieve that. But if you want to be free from sin then I would suggest that you open the door to Christ who paid for it on your behalf. Being redeemed gives you power over Satan so He will give you peace; but that peace does not lie in the buffer that separates you from evil spirits, but in the fact that you are in right standing with God.

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Re: I'm concerned and don't know whats going on?Maximus14:57:39 04/06/09 Mon

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