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Subject: Our board

Rex and Gima (Scared)
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Date Posted: 13:43:12 12/14/08 Sun
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So last night me and my friend Gima made a ouija board. We gotthe top of a cardboard box and filled it out. We got a normal glass cup for the "pointer". At first we tried to play it with one more person, it didn't work. When the person left it was just me and Gima. We were asking it normal questions like "is anyone here, how old are you, are you a good spirit or bad." Well by then, we were freaked out. Then we went and got the other person. They didn't believe us at first. When we started to ask it more personal questions like, "where did you die" It said my, Rex's, house. Then we asked it when did it die and it said "March 6, 1994". THATS MY BIRTHDAY. That's when I started to cry a little. We asked it who killed them and they said "you". We said "who's you" And they went to R-e, then we ran downstairs. The next day we played it again but this time it was in the daylight, it still worked. Turn out there were 9 people in the room with us. Our friends then scared the crap out of us because we thought it was the people fromt he board with us. We asked them if they would follow us, and they said yes. Now typing this, this very momehnt, side by side, we feel like someone's watching us. Or people. Gima's brother ripped up our ouija board....and now we don't knwo what's going to happen to him, but they all swore that they would never hurt me and Gima, but we never asked about our friends....

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Re: Our boardConnie18:17:54 12/14/08 Sun

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