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Subject: i've had many experiences but it still seems as though its not enough

Sylvia Smith (curious)
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Date Posted: 15:04:59 04/08/09 Wed
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my name is sylvia. i am 19 years old and i am from southern california. i was introduced to the ouija board about ten years ago. i had an older sister that practiced with the board on a regular basis. her and her friends claimed to be able to do out of the ordinary things by simply asking the board to do so. we lived in a small town with not many people in the middle of the desert. we didnt have much rainfall. one day a huge storm rolled in flooding the whole entire town. my sister and her friends claimed they did this with the ouija board. after hearing that story i wanted to play more then ever. so finally my sister gave in and began to play with me and my friends. we got various responses from different spirits. one claimed to ne the spirit of one of my good friends cuzins. we asked her thing that only her relative knew and were amazed when our friend revealed it was all true. we played daily after that. we became good friends with a spirit named marty. we would sit in my front yard for hours talking to him. once, we asked him where he was and he said "fence" we looked over to a fence post and saw a crow just sitting there watching us. before we could say anything the pointer started to spell out c-r-o-w. we were convinced it was real. we went on playing the ouija board for months and eventually, the thrill died off and we went about out business.tahts when things started to happen. my friend christina and i were attacked by a spirit at my house. it opened doors, made us hear things and even tampered with electrical equipment.u would think that would be enough to make us stop. but, it wasnt. that just made us want to play more. so we did. we hadnt played for years until recently.we went to a spot in out home town that was supposedly haunted. we played the board with no response. so we decided to put the board away and just hang out with some of our friends. we were sitting in my car listening to music when we both saw somethin. we looked up and saw a figure in a black hooded sweater. i started the car and drove around the abandoned building that the spirit had "peeped" out from and saw nothing. people keep tellin us that we are asking for something bad to happen. but in a way the curiosity is moving us. i want to see more just to prove im not crazy. and i want to find out new ways of opening myself up to these entities. please contact me if u have any sggestions

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Re: i've had many experiences but it still seems as though its not enoughMaximus (INFINITUS EST NUMERUS STULTORUM)14:41:16 04/09/09 Thu

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