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Subject: Persitance, strange answers etc... (ouija boards)

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Date Posted: 11:41:35 01/02/09 Fri
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Myself and my friend were using an ouija board for the first time in a couple of years today, and we would like some help figuring some things out if possible!

Just for a bit of background, myself and my friend first started using ouija boards about 4 years ago - a year after one of our friends passed away. We were at first trying to contact her, then after a while spoke with a different spirit and began to contact her after that. We did this without any problems for a couple of years, then had a bad session which really freaked us out - I can't remember the exact details but it just wasn't right and we heard some bad stuff that we didn't want to hear.

After that we had a couple of other sessions but things didn't seem to work - the glass would just whizz off the board, or go round the board in circles, or go to each corner...and there was a very uncomfortable feeling about it (i've always felt quite "in tune" with it and seemed to instinctivley know what to do, not sure how) . We used to do this at school, and all the bad feeling seemed to happen after a change of headmistress, when the place was quite unsettled anyway. We got quite freaked out by this and stopped using the Ouija board at that point, although my friend tried it a year later and managed to talk to the second spirit, but she says she didn't seem "nice" and that the glass moved very slowly along the board.

Today, after visiting our friends grave and having a chat about how to do it safely, we decided to take up the ouija board again. I made a new one (I had made the original one we used and seemed to have a good feeling about it, so I thought I'd do it this time) and we generally had a happy, confident feeling about it. We managed to get through to our friend, and she identified herself with her name and age as she was when she passed away, and the age she would have been now. She then said the name of a friend of mine, then a number of letters that apparently stood for something but made no sense, then said "p.s. no room" over and over again. When we asked what she meant by "ps no room" she just repeated it again, when we asked what there was room for, she just said "room". All this time, there wasn't a bad, uncomfortable feeling, but it was just very very persitant, as if there was something urgent to say that she couldn't spell out for us. Do you have any ideas what she could mean, or what this could mean in general?



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Re: Persitance, strange answers etc... (ouija boards)Len00:17:33 01/03/09 Sat
Re: Persitance, strange answers etc... (ouija boards)Maximus (INFINITUS EST NUMERUS STULTORUM)15:10:52 04/06/09 Mon

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