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Date Posted: 09:25:38 03/03/04 Wed
Author: Bob
Subject: Re: Conan -- Lessons learned -- Or not
In reply to: Craig 's message, "Re: Conan -- Lessons learned -- Or not" on 09:02:40 03/03/04 Wed

>I could see this book getting so huge that nothing
>would ever happen, becuase we would be to cautious.
>Or we'd say screw the picts lets try uhh, being court
>jesters to Conan himself! Wait, what does our book
>say. Damn, it says that it is safer to slay picts
>with an old bench.


Well the point of this is not to come up with a set of rules but to reflect on things that worked and failed and learn from our history instead of repeating it. As for player vs. character knowledge -- I suspect our characters would know a fair bit more about survival in the wilderness or among hostiles that we do -- either from direct knowledge, upbringing or stories. It was asinine of us not to build a makeshift pavilion around our campsite to defend from -- we had plenty of men to clear trees and brush and at least build a fence. Had we been physically present there it should have been obvious . . . even to a child. We overlooked it because we lost focus -- reflecting on these errors will help us be better adventurers.

>One last thing, I can't wait for the next session of
>conan this sunday!

Me too! I'm quite dizzy with anticipation!

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