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Date Posted: 08:21:27 03/13/03 Thu
Author: uriel
Subject: Re: US Government & The Noahide Laws...
In reply to: Leah 's message, "US Government & The Noahide Laws..." on 06:27:13 01/31/03 Fri

the seven noahide laws, and the whole british/american israel business will not go away, your links are few, check out ephraim by yair davidy, on http:www.geocities.com/hiberi/bkepraim.html. and see what this lunatic has planned for the palestinians.
basically the idea of noahide laws is that brit/am are the lost tribes of israel, when they join together with judea, ie the jews, they will rule the world, this is happening now,bush jnr is finishing his dads attempt to wipe out saddam, with covert aid from israel, support from britain.

fortunately if this theory is taken to its logical conclusion then the tribe of dan will judge them all, the tribe of dan was never a part of the exodus as such, for dan was never the child of jacob, see the book of enoch,and genesis 14;14, abram could never have pursued anyone to the land of dan,if dan was actually his great grandson.

>Laws of Ethics and Morality, (which I'd never even
>heard of until recently) are similar to the Christian
>Ten Commandments but do not come from the Holy Bible
>or Torah (they're from the Talmud which, to my
>understanding, supposedly contains the teachings of
>the Pharisees) and are said to be derived from
>specific passages in the Torah. The
>Chabad-Lubavitcher's claim that these laws are the
>very minimal observance for gentiles (non-Jews) to
>In a footnote to Yebamoth 62a, the Talmud gives the
>Scriptural source of the seven Noahide laws as Genesis
>In Genesis 9:7, God says to Noah:
>And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth
>abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.
>Hmmm... there's not one mention of seven laws in that
>verse, despite what the Talmudic sages tell us.
>According to this group, Christians are guilty of
>idoltry (for believing in Jesus Christ) and are
>subject to death (by beheading!) According to their
>own website, they plan world domination... they want
>to replace the world's court systems with Rabbinical
>courts and they also plan to do away with what they
>consider to be pagan holidays like Christmas, Easter,
>Halloween, All Saint's Day, Good Friday, Ash
>Wednesday, etc, and anyone observing any of these
>holidays is subject to death !! People can purchase
>anti-Christmas fliers from their website. I KNOW this
>sounds INSANE... but it's true ! Use the links I
>provide and go read for yourself.
>From their website:
>"...according to the known Jewish ruling that
>Christians are idol worshippers." (Likkutei Sichos
>37:198) [Likkutei Sichos is a printed and bound
>anthology of talks given by Rabbi Schneerson]
>A gentile...is liable for the death penalty...if he
>has invented a religious holiday for himself...The
>general principle is we do not allow them to make new
>religious rituals and to make 'mitzvahs' for
>themselves by their own devices. Rather they may
>either become a Ger Tzeddek and accept all the
>Mitvahs; or he (the Noahide) should stand fast in his
>Torah (the seven Noahide Laws) without adding or
>diminishing...and if he does make some new 'mitzvah,'
>we lash him, punish him, and inform him that he is
>obligated with the death penalty for this..." (Rambam
>Mishne Torah—Hilchos Melachim 10:9)
>What I found to be shocking, beyond belief, is that
>the birthday of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson and
>the Noahide Laws have been WRITTEN INTO LAW here in
>the US ! The United States Congress and the seven most
>recent presidents (Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush,
>Clinton & Bush, Jr.) have USED the guise of "National
>Education Day," "National Education and Sharing Day
>U.S.A.," or "Education Day, USA" (the names have
>varied slightly through the years, same "celebration,"
>though) as an opportunity to pay tribute to Lubavitch
>Rabbi Schneerson's birthday, to his Lubavitchers and
>to the Seven Noahide Laws (with their beheadings and
>animal sacrifices and prohibition of Christianity and
>separate courts for Jews) that they hope to impose
>upon the United States and the world. The actual date
>"National Education Day" is celebrated changes from
>year to year based on the JEWISH/Babylonian lunar
>calendar but every year the President of the United
>States gives a proclamation honoring Rabbi Schneerson
>and the Noahide Laws.
>The law is (House Joint Resolution 104, Public Law
>ENR: and it urges us to follow the Noahide Laws as a
>basis for ethical values. I'm appalled by that ! I
>question why our presidents did not prefer to urge
>Americans to follow the Ten Commandments, IF they were
>going to mention ANY religious laws at all, which is
>what our CHRISTIAN nation believes, and not some
>man-made Pharisee laws which endorse MURDERING
>Christians for believing in Jesus Christ !
>Here are links to a number of the speeches given by
>several of our presidents, that honor Rabbi Schneerson
>and which have cleverly put the Noahide Laws into
>public US law.
>85f.htm - Ronald Reagan (1985)
>86b.htm - Ronald Reagan (1986)
>html - Clinton (1993)
>education-and-sharing-day.text - Clinton (1995)
> -
>Clinton (1996)
>http://www.ed.gov/PressReleases/04-1997/970417b.html -
>Clinton (1997)
>http://www.ed.gov/PressReleases/03-1999/wh-0325.html -
>Clinton (1999)
>http://clinton4.nara.gov/WH/New/html/20000324.html -
>Clinton (2000)
>2-2.html - George W. Bush (2001)
>5-4.html - George W. Bush (2002)
>Answers from the Rabbi Schneerson (website linked
>**** What is the primary mission for our generation to
>The main avodah of this generation is to go out to the
>final war of the golus, to conquer and to purify all
>the gentile countries (such that "and kingship will be
>Hashem's," Ovadiah 1:21). --Shabbos Parshas VaYelech,
>**** Did the Rebbe indicate that there is a danger in
>putting off the Noachide campaign?
>This phenomenon adds much momentum to the efforts of
>convincing the citizens of the world to observe the
>Seven Noachide Laws. When the President proclaims its
>importance it is easier to encourage average people to
>accept it and so the opportunity must not be lost. It
>also provides us with a clear sign from Above that
>there is no time to lose in teaching the gentiles of
>the world about G-d. --Shabbos Parshas Tsav, 5747,
>Sichos in English, vol. 35, p. 76.
>**** Aren't we busy enough working with Jews? Can we
>really afford to divert time and money to the campaign
>to transform the gentiles?
>The Rambam uses the expression, "lakuf ("to forcefully
>influence") all inhabitants of the world to accept the
>Noachide commands." Although obviously one must do
>this in a pleasant, gentle, and peaceful way, it still
>must be done with persistence. If you have already
>tried several times, try again nevertheless. We
>frequently see that although people are sometimes
>spoken to five times, they do not change until they
>hear it a sixth time! --Purim, 5747, Sichos in
>English, vol. 35, p. 4.
>**** Did the Rebbe give any practical advice on how to
>carry out the Noachide campaign?
>Encouraging the abandonment of Christianity:
>"...according to the known Jewish legal ruling that
>Christians are idol worshippers. --Likutei Sichos
>37:198, from a letter of the Rebbe dated 26 Iyra,
>5726, cited in Kol Boi HaOlam, p. 389.
>In Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky's book Jewish
>Fundamentalism in Israel (Pluto Press, 1999, pp.
>58-62), Rabbi Schneerson is cited as teaching that:
>Jews and non-Jews are of an entirely different
>species. A non-Jew should be punished by death if he
>kills an embryo, even if the embryo is non-Jewish,
>while the Jew should not be, even if the embryo is
>Jewish. Two kinds of souls exist — all non-Jewish
>souls originate from one of three satanic spheres,
>whereas Jewish souls originate from holiness. The
>universe was created for the sake of Jews, and the
>role of all non-Jews is to serve Jews. The late,
>highly revered Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the
>'Lubavitcher Rebbe' who headed the Chabad movement and
>wielded great influence in Israel as well as in the
>U.S., explained that, 'The difference between a Jewish
>and a non-Jewish person stems from the common
>expression: ‘Let us differentiate.’ Thus, we do not
>have a case of profound change in which a person is
>merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of
>‘let us differentiate’ between totally different
>species. This is what needs to be said about the body:
>the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different
>quality from the body of [members] of all nations of
>the world [i.e., Gentile people] . . . A non-Jew’s
>entire reality is only vanity. It is written, ‘And the
>strangers shall guard and feed your flocks’ (Isaiah
>61:5). The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only
>for the sake of the Jews . . . '
>(From "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel," by Israel
>Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky. London. Pluto Press,
>1999; as quoted by the Washington Report on Middle
>East Affairs, March 2000.)
>Follow this link to read about the "final war" the
>Lubavitcher's write about.
>This is scary stuff, folks, and there's SO much more
>information available on the internet about this very
>powerful group. Do some research...

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  • Re: US Government & The Noahide Laws... -- Elizabeth Ansel, 11:36:13 08/24/06 Thu

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