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Subject: Chapter 15

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Date Posted: 20:51:07 09/27/02 Fri
In reply to: 's message, ""Almost Fatal"© " on 21:47:12 09/20/02 Fri

Title: Almost Fatal
Author: DeeCKidd
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ethan is taken down to the station while Theresa lies in the hospital fighting for her life.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from “Passions” Soap Opera.


Theresa laid in the hospital bed still hooked to IV’s and a breathing machine. The doctor was hopeful about her condition, but was still concern why she hadn’t come out of her coma.

Pilar and Martin sat on the side of her bed and Pilar held her daughter’s hand. She knew that Theresa’s lies would catch up with her one-day, but she didn’t know that Ethan would hurt her.

“Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald?” A nurse called out to her.

Both Pilar and Martin looked up at her.

“Would you like for me to bring you and your husband anything? Coffee, water, or tea?”

“No thank you.” They both sung out in unison.

“Well, just push the button on the side of Theresa’s bed if you need anything.”

Martin looked back up at the nurse. “Thank you. We will do just that.” He said before taking his daughter’s free hand.

After the nurse left out, Pilar’s tears became fresh.

Martin looked at his wife whose heart was aching for her daughter to wake up.

“Don’t cry honey. Theresa will survive this. She’s a fighter, a winner. She’ll beat this thing.”

“I’m just so worried for her Martin. I feel like it’s my fault. I should have protected my daughter against those damn Cranes. I gave them the best years of my life and look at what they do to my daughter. She is lying in a coma, and I don’t know if I’ll ever see her again.”

Martin put his head down. He didn’t know what to say to his wife. He wanted to take away all the pain her poor fragile heart was feeling.

“Pilar, you are a good mother and a good wife. You are faithful in every aspect of the word. You love all of your children. There is nothing you won’t do for them. So don’t blame yourself. How could you have know Ethan had a vengeful side to him.”

Pilar struggled with her feelings for the man she practically raised. She couldn’t understand why he would exemplify this type of behavior. Ethan had always been so loving and caring. Why would he do this to Theresa? It just does not add up.

Right at that moment Luis and Miguel walked in. It broke their hearts to see their sister lying there pale. They were use to seeing Theresa so full of life. The bright sun shine shone through her eyes, but not now. The woman who lied before them was not the Theresa they knew. This body was just a shell, and Theresa was beneath it struggling to be set free.

“Is there any change mama?” Miguel asked as he walked over to sit next to his father.

“Not yet Miho. Your sister is not responding to anything we say. Not so much as a move has been made.”

Luis put his arm around Pilar to offer comfort. “Mama, you just have to have faith. She’ll come out if.”

“I surely hope so Miho, I surely hope so.”

Martin looked up at his son. “Luis, is there any word about Ethan down at the station?”

Martin wished that he took back his question. He knew Ethan’s name was the last thing his wife wanted to hear.

Pilar shot him daggers that made him motion to Luis to step outside the door to talk.

Once outside the door, they could feel the tension lighten.

“I haven’t heard from Sam yet. I suppose they are still questioning him.”

“Oh I see.” Martin told his son.

“Pop, do you really think Ethan had anything to do with Theresa’s condition. I’ve gotten to know him pretty well, and he doesn’t seem like the type to seek revenge on anyone, let alone Theresa whom he adores with all his heart.”

“No son, I really don’t think this is Ethan’s doing. I think he would have walked away before he would do anything else. Ethan is not a cold-blooded killer. He loves your sister very much.”

“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. He would die first before he left anyone hurt her.”

“Why don’t you go down to the station and offer some support for him.”

“Are you sure you don’t need me to stay here?”

“No, we will be fine. I’ll tell your mother you had to leave to take care of some business. She’ll understand.”

“All right Pop. I’ll keep you posted.”

Luis embraced his father and headed out the door on his way to the Harmony Police Station.


Ivy had gotten there as soon as she could. There was no way she would let them convict Ethan of a crime that they all knew he couldn’t commit.

“Mother what are you doing here? You should go home, or to the hospital just in case Theresa wakes up. I want her to see the Crane family there. I don’t want her to feel as though I don’t love her.”

Ivy looked at her son with sympathy. Then she looked at Sam.

“Sam, please don’t do this to him. He’s not a killer. He’s our son. Sam he’s just like you. A warm loving, family man.”

“Mother don’t waist your breath. And stop saying we’re alike. We are nothing alike.”

Sam shot Ethan a quick look before gathering his paper work.

“You’re wrong Ethan. You and your father are alike in many ways.”

“Stop calling him my father. He didn’t raise me. So he shouldn’t have the right to be a father to me.”

“Ethan please. That was my fault. It’s not Sam’s fault that I lied to you all those years. It has been four or five years now since you’ve found out the truth. Why can’t you just let it go.”

Ethan looked at his mother and then up to Sam.

“When are we going to get this over with? I would like to go and see my wife.”

Sam looked at Ethan with a longing in his eyes. He wished that Ethan would break down that wall and love him like a son loves his father. But Ethan wouldn’t let up. He was just as stubborn as he was.

Sam gave a slight smile at the thought of them being alike.

“I don’t see the humor in this Chief Bennett. I would like to get this over with so I can go see my wife.”

Just then Luis walked into the station.

Sam looked up when he heard the door close. “Luis, what are you doing here?”

“I came to offer my support to my brother.”

Ethan looked up at his brother-in-law. In the past there was never any love lost between them. But within the last four years, they had become very close friends.

“Thank you Luis. I appreciate this.”

“No problem Ethan. Sheridan sends her love.”

“Thank you. Is there any change with Theresa?” Ethan asked looking hopeful.

“No, Ethan there isn’t. I’m sorry.”

Ethan could feel the tears stinging his eyes. He didn’t want to break down in such a public place, but he couldn’t help that run away tear that escaped from his crystal blue eyes.

He pulled his handkerchief from his pocket, and quickly wiped it away. In the process, his wallet fell revealing a very lovely picture of Theresa. He slowly picked it up and stared into it. Just a few hours ago, he was making love to his wife. Now he’s sitting in a police station being questioned about his wife’s recent condition.

“All right Ethan, let’s get started. The first thing I want to know is if you and Theresa has any arguments or problems in the last month or so?”

Ethan’s mind quickly went back to when he received the contents of her diary. He was so angry with her. He didn’t know if he would ever forgive her, but he wasn’t angry enough to kill her.

Ethan sat there quietly staring down at her picture, as Sam, Ivy, and Luis waited on his answer.


“This is so deliciously sweet. Theresa is laying in a hospital bed in a coma. And Ethan is at the police station being questioned about what happened to her.

Now to put my next plan into motion. Harmony won’t know what hit them when I’m done with that bitch Theresa.

Gwen sat back in her chair and gave a very evil cackle. She held two keys in her hand. Keys that looked liked it was to an apartment.

Just then, a rather large man entered her office.

“Excuse me boss. Are you ready for us to make our move?”

“Yes. First take this key and you know what to do. Then I’ll meet you at the hospital at 8P.M.”

When Gwen’s goon left the room, she stood up and looked out of her window.

“Never again will you be a thorn in my side Theresa. I will make you pay for everything you’ve ever done to me. And I will get back what is rightfully mine. Ethan!”


End of chpt 15

Read chpt 16

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Chapter 16Dee20:54:13 09/27/02 Fri

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