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Subject: Chapter 1

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Date Posted: 08:57:51 09/21/02 Sat
In reply to: Dee 's message, "Prologue" on 08:48:14 09/21/02 Sat

Title: Love and Hope
Author: Dee
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from “Passions” Soap Opera


Ethan Crane walked into the room in a casual stride. He saw his mother sitting on the couch with her eyes glued to the television.

He walked over to the bar and poured himself a glass of Brandy. He looked over at where his mother sat and decided to join her.

“Oh hi dear, I didn’t hear you come in.” Ivy said looking over to her son.

“Yes I noticed. What has you so focused?” He said facing the television.

“I was just watching the news.” She said turning it off. “It seems that my favorite designer’s husband died in a tragic accident, and she will be taking a break from designing.”

“Really mother, you get so wrapped up in the most trivial things. There are like thousands of fashion designers in the world, and your heart goes out to one who loses her husband. No doubt probably causing the accident that killed the poor bub.”

“Ethan where is your compassion? I didn’t raise you like this. What has gotten into you?”

“Into me? I don’t know what you mean mother. I’m the same person I’ve been. It’s just when I hear things like this famous designer’s story, it makes me wonder what she did to cause her husband’s fatal accident.”

“Ethan…!” Ivy yelled out.

“O.K. mother, I know what you’re going to say. Don’t judge before you know the whole story, and a person is innocent until proven guilty. I know, I know. You don’t have to remind me.”

“Four years of college and three years of Law school, and you still have this try and convict them attitude. What’s a mother to think?”

“Don’t think mother. It’s so not becoming to your character.”

“Ethan…!” Ivy cried out once again.

Ethan rose from the couch and walked back over to the bar to pour another Brandy.

“Mother, I have won over two hundred cases since I’ve become an attorney. I know my work very well, so you needn’t be worried about my attitude. I have my head on straight. I know what I’m doing.”

Ivy rose from the couch, and walked over to her son, and placed her hand on his shoulder.

“Ethan you know I care about what you feel and think. Sometimes you just surprise me when I see your lack of compassion. You are such a caring person. What has changed?”

“Mother you do worry too much you know. I’m fine. I have compassion. Especially for this next glass of Brandy.” He chuckled before taking his last gulp of it.

“Speaking of lack of compassion, what is father doing?”

“Probably one of the maids.” Ivy said under her breath.

“I’m sorry mother, what did you say?”

“He’s probably in the library reading. I don’t really know what it is your father does these days.”

“Well, I think I’ll go and see him before I leave. I need to go to New York for the evening. I’ll be back before breakfast.” And Ethan kissed his mother and left the room.


Theresa and Whitney stepped off the plane feeling tired and exhausted. Theresa wanted to just climb into her bed and hide away from the world. She wanted to forget that her husband was gone and her career was in jeopardy. She worked very hard to make a name for herself. The riches women across the land bought her designs. She was very proud of that. But now she felt that it was all over. She didn’t want to go on living without him.

“I’ll grab your bags while you grab Mr. Spoobers and I’ll meet you at gate number 5.”

“All right Whit.” Theresa said with tear stained eyes.

“Mr. Crane, we are pulling up to the airport now. What gate are you going to?”

“Gate number 5 Robert.” Ethan said to his chauffeur.

Theresa headed toward the gate where she was to meet Whitney, when she saw a mob of reporters heading her way.

“Mrs. Weiland, can we have a statement? Mrs. Weiland, are you giving up fashion? What does this mean for your nation wide clientele? Will you return to New York?”

This was all too much for Theresa. She wasn’t ready to answer any of these questions.

“Where is Whitney?” She said in despair. She frantically looked around for her friend, but didn’t see her anywhere.

Right at that moment, Ethan Crane entered the airport and was headed to gate number 5 when he saw the commotion of the reporters.

Mmmm, I wonder what’s going on over there? No, Ethan, do not play the hero. You have to be in New York less than thirty minutes. He said to himself.

But when he saw all those reporters pounding down hard on that woman, he just had to see what was going on.

He walked up to the reporters and the woman whose back was facing him.

“Hello everyone. What seems to be the trouble over here?”

The reporters looked up and saw Ethan standing behind Theresa and felt a better story coming on.

“Mr. Crane, Where are you off to? Do you feel another winning case?” They all called out pushing Theresa to the side nearly knocking her over.

Ethan tried to get a look at the young woman who obviously seem distraught by the reporters harassment, but he only saw her grab her cat’s cage and briskly walked toward the entrance.

Just as Theresa walked up to the entrance, Whitney joined her.

“Theresa, what happened? Why do you look so frightened?”

“No reason Whitney. It’s over. Please… please just get me out of here.”

“All right honey. Let’s go.” She said putting her arm around Theresa and walking out of the airport.

Ethan, who was still being harassed by the reporters, kept his eye on the young woman hoping that she would turn around so he could see a glance of her. But she never did, so he headed to his gate and left for New York right away.


End Chapter 1

Read Chapter 2

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Chapter 2Dee09:02:24 09/21/02 Sat

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