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Date Posted: 09:02:24 09/21/02 Sat
In reply to:
's message, "Prologue" on 08:48:14 09/21/02 Sat
Title: Love and Hope
Author: Dee
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from “Passions” Soap Opera
Theresa’s room was pitched dark, unusual for a day in the early afternoon. Her curtains hadn’t been drawn, and her small frame was hidden beneath the covers.
Mr. Spoobers sat in his corner drinking and eating the meal that Pilar tipped toed into him thirty minutes prior. He longed for Theresa to hug him like she used to. But Theresa didn’t hug much of anything anymore, not even her little rag doll with the blue and white dress.
Ethan sat at his office desk and allowed his mind to wander.
“Who was that woman from the other night?” He thought to himself.
“She seemed so frightened, so fragile. Damn those reporters for jerking her around like that. I wish I could have gotten a look at her. All I can remember is her disarrayed hair, and the scent of her perfume. A perfume so intoxicating that just draws you into it.”
“Snap out of it Ethan.” He said waving his hand in the air. “You are in the prime of your life. There’s no time to be getting serious, especially over some dark haired mystery woman.”
Ethan rose from his seat, and looked out the window. He had a wonderful view of the Atlantic. He loved to let his mind soar when he looked out on the ocean. It was his favorite place, the water.
He had just bought a new sailboat and couldn’t wait for late spring to hit. He planned to leave behind all his cares, and go sailing, just him, his boat, and the wind that sprayed off the ocean.
Ethan was deep in thought until his secretary Amy buzzed in.
“Mr. Crane, you have a call on line one. A Candance Brigden.”
“Thank you Amy.” He said picking up the receiver.
It had been three weeks since Theresa been back in Harmony, and nothing had changed. Pilar brought her meals into her room for her, but every time she would pick up her tray, hardly any food was eaten.
Pilar was very concerned for her daughter, but thought it best to give her some grieving time. Yet she didn’t know how long that would last, so she called over some reinforcement to help her out.
Pilar went to answer the door and was glad to see Whitney.
“Whitney I am so glad you came. I can’t get through to my baby girl, and she is worrying me to death. I don’t know what else to do.”
“Is she still in bed?” Whitney asked with a disturbed look on her face.
“Yes, and it’s really scaring me. The only time she gets up is when she runs to the bathroom to vomit. And I can’t understand that. She hardly eats anything.”
“Oh my, sounds serious.” Whitney said waving her hair from her face.
“Well that’s why I called you over. I thought that maybe you could check her out and try and get her to get up. Do you have your medical bag with you?”
“Yes! I’ll give her a once over and see what’s going on.”
“Thank you so much Whitney. My heart is breaking for my daughter, and that poor cat of hers won’t survive much longer without her love.”
“Don’t worry Pilar, I’ll get to the bottom of it.” She said walking toward Theresa’s room.
Theresa heard the knock at her bedroom door, but didn’t answer. Whitney turned the knob and walked inside the dark stuffy room. On her way in, Mr. Spoobers ran out for a breath of fresh air.
Whitney pulled back the curtains and let up the shade, allowing the golden light of the noonday sunshine through.
Theresa pulled the covers tightly over her head to hide from the ray of the beams glowing down on her.
Whitney turned on her bedroom light and took out her supplies to check her friend over.
“Theresa honey, sit up.” She said fighting to pull the covers off her.
“No!” She fought back.
“Look Theresa, I know you are hurting, but this is no way to live. You are making yourself sick living like this. Now sit your butt up so I can take a look at you.”
Theresa slowly sat up and looked at her friend. And if looks could kill, Whitney would be dead on the spot.
“Awww Theresa, you look like hell.”
“Thanks a lot.” She said trying to pull the covers back over her head.
“Oh no you don’t!” Whitney said pulling the covers completely off the bed.
“What the hell did you do that for?”
“Oh my goodness, your breath smells like shit. When was the last time you brushed your teeth and washed your body?”
Theresa stood up and picked up her bathrobe from the side of her bed, and put it on.
“Why are you here Whitney? I don’t remember calling and inviting you to come over.”
“I’m here as your physician, and at your mother’s request.”
“I don’t need a damn doctor. I need my husband!”
Whitney looked at her friend with sadness. She didn’t know what to say. She began putting her tools back in her bag, and prepared herself to leave.
“Where the hell are you going?” Theresa said looking over at her.
Whitney began buttoning up her coat. “I’m leaving. I can’t help you. In order for me to examine you, I need you to cooperate with me. I can only help those who help themselves first.”
Theresa gave her friend a sympathetic look. “Look Whit, I’m sorry. I just feel like shit and I don’t know how else to feel right now.”
Whitney began to unbutton her coat, and laid it across the chair. “Well one thing you can do for me before we get started is to take your smelly self in the bathroom and clean yourself up.” She said smiling.
For one split second, Theresa let out a smile. Oh how Whitney missed that smile. It could light up the whole town in case of a black out. But she hardly saw it anymore. But she was determined to dig deep to find it. She wasn’t giving up on her long time friend without a fight.
End Chapter 2
Read Chapter 3
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