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Oh dear. -- Deepest Desire, 01:06:01 05/18/03 Sun
Who exactly was this mare and what was she doing, parading herself with no shame? What ever happened to dignity these days? Obviously that had been lost somewhere along the track with this one. She snorts softly, not suspicion that fills her eyes, no, she knew exactly what this mare was doing here, but an irritation. This was one of the reasons why she had chosen the path that she did, to avoid this sort of a confrontation with flashy mares trying to lure males into a web of lust. The Lead sighed and with deliberate strong and fast paces strides, goes to stand before the albino.
"Your business here is...?"
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. BaCk . . OfF . -- . d0g . . s0ldiers ., 01:13:58 05/18/03 Sun
A single brow is quirked at this albino mares antics. Who did she think she was, she wasn't good enough for he. Cold, emotionless eyes look towards the former queen. Her comment was quite true, this unwanted prostitute had to go. Teeth are slightly bared towards the pallid fae. Mahogan body is swiftly turned, single hind leg is kicked out towards the mare. Loud, savage tune is emitted from vocal cords. Body is swiftly turned once more, teeth try to clip upon neck before slowly moving over to the palamino one. I really don't understand some mares, especially this one. Don't they have anything better to do then throw themselves at the first living stallion they see. It is really a most gruelling thing to do. |
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shocked she takes a few steps back -- Lightnings Power, 09:55:38 05/18/03 Sun
can't a mare have fun? can't she long for atention(sp) or is it a crime? she turns toward Dog Soldier quite shocked by his reaction I am not a whore. I do not charge anyone anything. all I wanted was a little fun or mabey a stallion to protect me. is that too much to ask?
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yea it is a crime -- Fleur, 10:51:20 05/18/03 Sun
Tight lipped newcomer jumps at this chance to interject her comments and overall disrupt. With a curt nod to DOL and Deepest Desire, she smiles coyly and narrows her eyes at the other mare. "That's really depressing if the only way you can get attention is to throw yourself butt-first under a stallion," She says, flicking her tail contemptuously at the snow-white fae. The mare was a rich buckskin color, with strong black legs. She had three neat little socks, but no white facial markings.
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Re: she slowly walks away -- lightnings power, 10:54:02 05/18/03 Sun
her silky mane jumps on her neck as she hangs her head low to the ground and she thinks to herself mabey I be wanted at a barn with humans she walks off into the distance hopeing they would call her back. never before had she seen a more beautiful stallion and she knew she never would again
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buh bye -- Fleur, 12:07:47 05/18/03 Sun
The cold mare watches the whore stalk away saddly, and no vocals come from her chest to call her back. Perhaps the humans will breed her, a thought strung itself out before her. Darkened ocules roll as she turns away from the direction the pallid one had exited.
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Devoid of emotion -- Daughter of Lights, 15:45:37 05/18/03 Sun
The mare watched emotionlessly as the white one walks away in the direction of the farm. She bit back a chuckle, for the same thought that occured to Fleur passed through her own mind. Shrugging, the sedate sympathizer, for she did feel badly that the mare had nothing better to look for, turned back to her occupation of grazing.
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