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Date Posted: 02:34:06 05/19/03 Mon
Author: Deepest Desire
Subject: Pretty thing.
In reply to: Lightnings Power 's message, "albino mare trots in looking for somthing to do some one to tease " on 08:02:18 05/17/03 Sat

The mare of silver hue indulged in a fraction of a smile, watching as the unusual coloured equine left the premises with amusement dancing merrily in her dark amber eyes. She really shouldn't have been so malicious, but there was something about the mare that had sparked a streak of annoyance in the Lead. Maybe it was the fact that she didn't even like stallions that had her so put off with the idea of throwing oneself at a male. Pfft.

She faced the newcomer, whose colouring was something of a rarity in the lands [it's true! there aren't enough buckskins running around!] and a pleasant nod of the head is given as a greeting. "Hello."

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[> [> who me? why thank you -- Fleur, 09:56:50 05/19/03 Mon

(OOC: There should be more! -grin-)

She nods her head to the lead again, abandoning the thoughts of the impromptu albino mare. "Hello," She coos, ebon tresses swish at tanned sides. "My name is Fleur, I'm new around here," She spoke, easily restating the obvious. Donning a rather cheshire grin, she turns slightly to the stallion. "Quite flattering, hm?"

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