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may break my bones aimed with angry art words can sting like anything ▫♥▫¦but silence breaks the heart¦▫♥▫
*nods to the one that left, turning her attention to the one that had spoken* "..if you haven;t realized, I'm not skilled the the arts of conversation. And most people argue that the Yankees are better." Palillos y Piedras |
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i have a yankee fettish -- Fleur, 17:59:04 05/28/03 Wed
(Cool! I *love* the Yankees, I've been a huge fan since like forever...)
She gives a nervous smile as the blanket of silence thickly coated the two equines. "So, did you hear about that ball? Are you going?"
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~^~sticks and stones~^~ -- Negra, 18:37:43 05/28/03 Wed
may break my bones aimed with angry art words can sting like anything ▫♥▫¦but silence breaks the heart¦▫♥▫
*nods, and snorts in an amused tone* "yeah, sure. Me the socail butterfly. I don't quite see it happeneing. Maybe I will go to the ball. I've never been to one before. What about you?" Palillos y Piedras |
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as you can see -- Fleur, 20:47:33 05/30/03 Fri
She tosses her mane of silken-black hair and a grin creeps across her features. "I'm very social, and I often fill my days with idle chatter," She comments, her tail snapping first left then right. Buckskin pate turns to look in the direction the random blackbird had gone, but with a shrug she looks back at Negra.
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~^~sticks and stones~^~ -- Negra, 19:50:37 05/31/03 Sat
may break my bones aimed with angry art words can sting like anything ▫♥▫¦but silence breaks the heart¦▫♥▫
*sighs lightheartedly* "I guess I should become more socail. My life deserves to be more fun." Palillos y Piedras |
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aw you deserve the moon. i'll get some handsome brute to lasso it for ya -- Fleur, 19:55:24 05/31/03 Sat
The cynnical mare chuckles. "See, you'd do good in a crowd, you've got humour," She says before straightening her face once more into somber... silence? No, chatter. "So, how's life?"
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~^~sticks and stones~^~ -- Negra, 20:04:39 05/31/03 Sat
may break my bones aimed with angry art words can sting like anything ▫♥▫¦but silence breaks the heart¦▫♥▫
*chuckles softly* "Gee, thanks for the offer." *then sighs, falling into the more serious manner* "Life is better than it has been. What 'bout you?"" Palillos y Piedras |
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