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Date Posted: 13:08:49 06/04/03 Wed
Author: Death at Twilight
Subject: .:+:.Twilite Death.:+:.

Th' silver hued titan slowly padded int' view, carried on long, muscular pillars. His audas moved constantly, an' he held his finely featured dial high. He carried his plume regally, and his mane was tossed to his right side. The black speckles on his back reflected the moonlight, and he came to a stop, looking int' the terra 'afore him. He gave a soft whuffle, then continued in. Once in th' terra, he bent his neck low so as he could graze while awaiting someone to notice his prescence. He looked like a silver haze in the twilight, like a spirit rising out of a body of the dead, he was the death at twilight.

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[> .The Worst Spell.».». -- .Hell's Spell., 06:52:11 06/05/03 Thu

Demon's appendages carry him towards the other, he had heard sounds and he stood in front of the one grazing. Dark optics gazed out at him, his optics were a chocolate color, a bit say lighter than his ebony pelt which made it little hard to see him at night. Vocal cords release a nicker, answering his whuff. Crown was held high. Whipcord was held higher than normal postion. He stood showing off his finely made Arabian frame. "Hello, I'm Hell's Spell. You are?" He spoke in a normal tone.

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[> [> .:+:.Twilite Death.:+:. -- Death at Twilite, 08:24:42 06/05/03 Thu

The silver-hued one slowly raised his dial, his auds percked forward. He flicked his plume, and slightly lowered his finely chizled dial to the other.
"Hello, Hell's Spell. I am thee dubbed Death at Twilite, or just Twilite. I come requesting to reside here."

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[> [> [> Simple. -- Deepest Desire, 18:51:11 06/13/03 Fri

"Certainly." She answered smoothly, voice carrying over the soft zephyr as she strode up to the stallion, giving a small nod. "Welcome." She said simply.

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