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Date Posted: 08:38:50 06/10/03 Tue
Author: Death Announcement
Subject: Deepest Desire and all of Devil's Mountain

.An achromic matron strides up the mountain, to meet with the ones of the peice of land named after the wench's own father, the Devil himself. Long, sturdy pistons carried her from the valley below. Haunted Valley it was called, and a haunted valley it is. Always in the shadows of the Devil's Mountain and the neighboring mountain, spirits of the half-dead resided along the large harem. Only at high noon did the nearly unbearable sun blind the harem with it's light. This bleched sphinx had a mission, one she fully expected to acomplish, but that could only be done with the help of others. So, here she came, her first stop. The frosted fox continued up the path, all 1,300 pounds of her, all 16.3 hands of her. She is unually large for a purebred Lippazaner, but it only helps the snowy siren in battle. Now pitch talons struck the last of the trail, tendons and sinews slowed the pace, as the cresty wave weaved toward the rocky loam, wide tarry nostrils bringing in scent for the brain to store away. This was Devil's Mountain, there was no doubt about that. Wave came up as the pallid zenith peaked. Now ashen tipped audio-receivers snapped forward for any sound of the harem she was seaking. After a quick burst of sound that came from deep within the massive bruja started her speach.

Deepest Desire, all of Devil's Mountain...I have come, to ask a favor. But first, I must ask questions. Do you know who is king now? True Evil? No, no, he is no longer king, he has vanished without a trace. How about Big Brother? No, he is not king either, I doubt he even cares anymore. Last time I saw him, he was forincating with a sluttish mare. I believe that is all he is doing these days. So who is left? Ziraga is who. Ziraga who has said himself that he is a "horrible king". I don't think he has posted since he has been given the position. Now, the Evil horses have been doing amazingly well for having no leadership whatsoever, but that cannot last forever. We will need a strong leader, and we need one soon! Unfortunatly, no one has yet offered this, but I do so now. The Evils have been ruled by males for too long now, we need something new. And I, a mare, am offering something new. I have not lived here long as a mare, but I grew up with the Amazons in CM. I was there for the war. As an Amazon growing up we were taught fighting skills as well as leadership skills. I now ask my question. If I were to challenge the king for his position, would you be behind me, back me up?

.With that the alabaster sultana searches the crowd with her dark ocher orbs, looking for an answer.

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[> Pristine Beliefs -- Deepest Desire, 18:41:53 06/13/03 Fri

Silver-laced mare steps forward, her movements languid and seemingly perfectly calculated. The gesture itself spoke of respect, approval and a deep bubbling source of happiness that could only be brought on by the news that she had just heard through ears. Ears that had heard of too much suffering to be true anymore and yet in her heart she rejoiced. Every cell in her body, every drop of blood in her veins was ready and prepared at the slightest call, slightest demand. Her dappled metallic colour gleamed off the curvaceous figure, hiding old scars. Old scars from the Amazons. Happy times, they were. A new light increasing in her deep liquid amber eyes, she finally skirted around the shadows that had cloaked her in silence for so long to speak out to the mare that had just arrived. A new and fresh start.

"I remember a time in which dominance was fought over in petty bickers, and I remember a time where there were attacks every day, where the young had to be protected and shielded from the outside chaos and ruins. I was only young, and I was cold, distant but during that time I also felt capable to achieve because I has backed by a strong leader. Those days are long over, and yet I hold on to the sliver of faith that one day, it will be the same as before.

"I believe in you.

"I cannot speak for the others in my herd, for I am not a dictator, but I do say this: As an Ex-Amazon, one who has been living in the dark so for long now and yearns for a new light, you have my backing."

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[> [> Triumph -- Death Announcement, 20:03:04 06/13/03 Fri

.Bleached spit-fire was a bit surprised, she had not been expecting a triumph right away, but then again, she had picked this territory to visit first because there was only one leader, and that leader was a sensible mare. Ashen tipped case nodded at the silver encased mare as she had to move on if she were to ever get all the support she needed.

Thank you very much for your support, Deepest Desire. If you would please talk to your harem about this, I would appreciate it. I must go on now, for I have many more stops to make.

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