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Date Posted: 00:13:14 06/15/12 Fri
Author: CannalizeLegabis
Subject: Re: freddy is so much GOD DAMN better then jason
In reply to: Dream Child 's message, "freddy is so much GOD DAMN better then jason" on 12:01:09 01/10/04 Sat

Man I know this was posted 8 years ago, but I found this and feel like commenting. I'm trying to kill some time right now.

I agree with most of what you say, Freddy kicked Jason's ass.

But no one can do what Michael and Jason can do. They both get stabbed, shot, ran over, electrocuted, set of fire, beat with boards, knocked off of two story houses, and none of it even hurts them.

Jason can die, he dies in a lot of his movies but it always accidentally resurrected. Takes a hell of a lot of punishment to kill that bastard though.

Michael never dies, no matter what they do to him.
In Halloween Resurrection, they hung him, used a chainsaw on him, stabbed him, lit him on fire and electrocuted him (at the same time), and it only caused him to lose consciousness for a few minutes.

In Halloween 4, they ran hit him with a truck (sent him flying about 40 feet), then the State Troopers got there 12 gauge shot guns (about five of them), and shot him over and over again, until he fell backwards into a whole in the ground (which collapsed on him), and then to finish it off, they tossed a stick of dynamite in there. None of that left a scratch. He went into his coma that he goes into when Halloween is over (because of the curse on him), and woke up just fine a year later.

In Halloween 2, they shot him in both of his eyes (after shooting him multiple times on multiple occasions before that), then caused the part of the hospital that he was in to explode, and he was still walking (while completely on fire). He passed out, but was not dead.

Halloween 6, they injected something into him that was supposed to kill him (a lot of it), stabbed him a couple times, then beat him relentlessly with a huge metal pipe, and he woke up before the end of the movie.

Halloween 5, his car exploded, then they shot him a couple times, threw a huge chain-link net on him, shot him a couple more times with tranquilizers, then beat him with a 2x4 and he never even passed out.

It's not easy to run from either of them, they both always disappear and pop up when no one expects them to, no matter how slow they walk. Michael also uses disguises to fool people before he kills them sometimes.

Freddy mopped the floor with Jason, but he'd have a tough time with Michael. Michael is sneakier, smarter, incredibly strong and durable. He is also agile and hard to hit. Freddy wouldn't be able to do anything to Michael in a dream because Michael is afraid of nothing. If anything, he'd take over the dream and torture Freddy. Freddy is powerless if you are not scared of him.

In the real world, Michael is also a hell of a lot faster in close range combat than Jason (he's stood in front of people and taunted them by dodging their attempts to stab him, kinda like Anderson Silva does to his opponents when they try to land strikes on him), and he's much smarter than Jason too.


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