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Date Posted: 12:01:09 01/10/04 Sat
Author: Dream Child
Subject: freddy is so much GOD DAMN better then jason

Yo I watched Freddy Vs Jason again for the sixth time last night.

And Freddy destroyed Jason. I am not going to give away the ending, but anyone who says Freddy lost, is an idiot. Jason got a couple hits in freddys world. But then Freddy layed the smack down on Jason almost drowning him, until then god damn kids came in a messed things up.

Then when freddy came into Jasons world. Jason was doing real good. But then freddy used his brain, and was beating Jason UP. And he had his claw in jason eyes about to finish stuff off. Then the stupid kids ruined everything. The movie should have been called Freddy Vs Jason and some kids with big boobs and jon ritters son.

It was an unfair match up. Freddy put Jason in his spot. And its not just because i am a freddy fan. Its because I have eyes. I can see that freddy clearly was the champ. But them kids can suck my jamson.

And an other thing about Mike Myers or Jason Voorhees. They are idiots. They both grew up normal to like the age of 5 or 6. And then go to hostipals or lakes to grow up and kill people. They are idiots. I am not a fan of schools. But they need some higher learning because they are moorons. How much talent does it take to throw a knife around. They are not talented. They are just stupid enough to kill people. Mike and Jason are just idiots with good sense of masks. Give anyone a silly mask and a knife and they can do what they do.

Now Freddy. Freddy is a well rounded indivial. He was a grown up with a little hobby to kill little kids. He was married. He had a kid of his own. Yeah he might have been the bastard son of 100 maniacs. But who isnt know a days. This guy killed people before he was dead. Then when he died. He didnt take time off. He went right back into killing more kids. And he was better at it. He is smart, and humorous. He can kill you, and make you laugh at the same time. I would be honored to be killed by Freddy Kruger. He comes in your dreams to kill you. You cant hide from your dreams. If Jason was coming after me. I would get the next flight out of crystal lake and relocate to a place where it would take forever for Jason to WALK to. Because you know he is to stupid to drive. And if for one day, maybe years later. He finially does fine me. I would just get back in the plane, train, or automobile and high tale myself out of there. People who die in halloween or friday the 13th movies, are idiots. They deserve to die. You cant hide from your dreams. You have to sleep. And when you do freddy is sitting there waiting for you. And even if you try to take medication to not dream. Freddy will just go in someone elses dreams and get them to kill you. Freddy is one crafty mother fucker. There is NO hiding from Mr. Fred Kruger. Were as Myers and Voorhess are easy to get away from. In the movies peoples cars dont start and they just sit there. Just god damn run. And find another car. And then get the hell away. Your murderer is just walking. Hell i am not the faster runner in the world. Some say I run like ALF. But i can still run away from an uneducated walking retard.

in conclusion. Freddy Vs Jason was AN AMAZING FLICK. And if you ask me. Freddy destroyed all. So ring the bell. Because this fight is over. And some might try to argue that Jaosn won because of the ending and freddys head. And I say. DID YOU HEAR HIM LAUGH. freddy has everything under control. He has been threw worse spots then that. People might say ohh he doesnt have a body. Yeah well all he will need is another dog to pee on him and he will be back to his amazing self. Robert Englund is great. And Fred Kruger is even greater. So suck my kiss.

Thank you and good day

Tommy Avallone

welcome to prime time BITCH

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