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Date Posted: 23:42:19 04/16/04 Fri
Author: Just Me
Subject: Kick starting this room

Heya all,

Ok, this room is 4 years overdue (smiles) thou better late than never! It's here for any of us out there to discuss the emotional after effects of having acne, ie:

# scarring
# lack of self esteem
# lack of confidence
# not wanting to go out in public on a bad day
# wanting to stay at home and hide
# feeling everyone is looking at you and your acne
# feeling self loathing
# feeling traumatised by feeling ugly when you look in the mirror and having crying fits
# traumatised by comments by friends and family and strangers that look at you and ask what's wrong with your face or what's that on your face
# wondering when it will all ever stop as it seems never ending
# not wanting to go out on dates cos your skin feels so bad and you feel ugly
# thinking you're never going to live a normal life
# wanting to hide in the house and not go out and work cos you're having such a bad skin day and nothing you do works and/or will camouflage your acne
# feeling like a *freak* especially when all your friends and family around you have normal skin

I guess in some aspects or another I've been traumatised myself personally by all of the above; and those teenagers of you out there and above will be going through the same thing. Here's the space for you to share about it as sharing is healing; as is listening and supporting.

I'm 39 years old now and from time to time I still get the odd acne here and there especially when my period is due though nothing as traumatic as what it used to be, though I don't want to say that too loud as I could get a bad skin day! I've stayed away from work for sure myself when I've had a bad skin day cos hey it's an illness, a disease and it's debillating!! When I was a teenager and probably in my twenties and most likely also in my thirties I have sat staring at the mirror and just cried looking at my skin and the condition it's in.

Why Me? is the question most of us probably ask. What did I do to deserve this horrible, horrible skin? I guess it's an over production of androgen in both males and females, could be hereditary; though I remember going for consultations with dermatologists when I was a teenager at the hospital, they took one look at me said yeah, acne and prescribed tetracycline or minicon etc and said I'd grow out of it. It helped for years; but the antibiotics left scars on me in that it discoloured my teeth (ie at the roots) (we've had this topic 4 years ago on the board).

I had my wisdom teeth taken out a few years ago and the first thing the dentist said to me was that I must have been on antibiotics for many years cos my roots were black! I still have them as souveniers.

This is a starter topic ... I'll let the rest of you carry on .... :-)

Re solutions, lead a healthy lifestyle; cos if you have this condition, then you're one of the *special* ones and need to help your body heal; and realise you can't lead a normal life like anyone else out there with clear skin and are going to have to take special care with your supplements, diet, preferably holistic lifestyle, ie homeopathy (I personally would stay away from antibiotics and/or things like accutane though I know they work for lots of you - they just have side effects like the birth control pill Diannette which I personally took for a few years to control my acne and it did but when I came off the pill, geez, my acne came back horribly and it took like 2 years or so of homeopathy and treatments to get my periods back to normal/regular as they stopped and I had maybe 2-3 periods a year and my periods were yukky ie all sorts of gunk was being discharged! I know people can be desperate though you need to be prepared for the consequences.

Take care
Just Me

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