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Date Posted: 19:15:02 04/17/04 Sat
Author: Just Me
Subject: Acne & how we present ourselves to the world

I was wondering how many of us acne sufferers have high profile jobs as our faces are such an important aspect of ourselves that we represent to the world and to have it disfigured by acne is tramatising in itself; and to have to deal with people staring at oily or dry skin, redness, acne and it's scars, both mental, emotional and physical is something else.

For teenagers I wonder how many acne sufferers are high school in the 'in crowds', popular and or cheerleaders or football players etc cos of the emotional acne trauma.... I was ok popular in high school but inside I was cringing especially around other popular girls who had perfect skin and felt very inadequate (actually today I still feel inadequate standing next to anyone who has perfect skin with small pores or no pores showing at all!!) I'm sure some of those scars still linger till today subconsciously; though in Singapore acne is much more common than it is in London and at school there were quite a few others with acne so I didn't feel so alone.

My mother was a single parent with us in Singapore and when I was a teenager and my hormones kicked in and the acne began, she didn't have enough money to buy my acne meditation which was horrendous as it was hard enough dealing with crazy hormones, to have to deal with acne and not being able to do anything about it was quite traumatic - and I can emphatise with the current teenagers out there reading in who are reading all the treatments we are having done on our skin and routines etc and they have no control over the money in their household and/or pocket money etc ...

Healing acne and the scars, along with the emotional trauma that goes with it costs money; though I'm sure if teenagers out there did some research they could come up with some cheap home made treatments to help themselves; most likely in the natural form eg homeopathy or home made items our that you can use as facials etc to cleanse your skin and treat your acne.

Take care
Just Me

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