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Date Posted: 23:09:11 01/23/03 Thu
Author: Prism
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Subject: Yush!
In reply to: Prism 's message, "Behold! I ish back!" on 21:42:15 01/23/03 Thu

Lol, Roxy, your hobbies amaze me XD

It is, indeed cold outside. I would have stayed in too, if I had a choice in the matter --;

Oh my goodness- my parents always give me & my sis a lil present for doing goof at the concerts, and this time it was this purdy valentine's day necklace- but guess what it was wrapped up in?? Well, it was wrapped in cloth and tied with a red bow. But this wasn't jsut any cloth- ohhh no. It was red with 'ittle bitty white hearts on it. And when you take the ribbon off an unwrap this mysterious cloth, you find out its not jsut a peice of cloth. Its UNDIES. My mother gave me a present wrapped up in valentines underwear o.o;; She's really starting to frighten me. She's the very conservative 'normal type. I must say this is the weirdest thing she's ever done. And she doesn't understand why it confuses me so- "Well its nice to wrap things up for people with something practical they can use..." e.E

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