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Date Posted: 00:32:28 01/27/03 Mon
Author: Prism
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Subject: ilk
In reply to: Roxy 's message, "i hate them sooooooooo much XP" on 00:22:52 01/27/03 Mon

Reminds me off myself with blood tests. Apparently, I have abnormally small veins, so they can never gind 'em- they poke me about seven times, usual wiggling the needle around so you can see the little rod twisting around under my skin, in attempt to get it in the vein because they think they're *that* close, and then they take it and try again about 7 times before they finally give up and try getting it into one of the small veins on the top of my hand oo;; But then when they finally get it in, the blood starts coming out and then...stops. It jsut stops coming out, ebcause my blood is moving too slow because I'm feeling so weird from being poked so many times >< So they're like 'ok then, let's try the other arm!' and the rocess starts all over until they finalyl fill severn vials of the damned stuff. Bah, whats with the number seven? It always seems to come to seven. I get blood tests taken monthly --; meh. I'm getting one taken tomorrow morning, actually.

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