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Date Posted: 10:06:45 01/29/03 Wed
Author: Roxy
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Subject: I have....failed you Prism o.o...

WAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I feel so bad that I couldn't help you with your smelly physics!!!!!!!!! ;.;!!!!!!! And...and...and NOW I GOTTA SOLVE THAT THING!!! IT HAUNTED MY DREAMS LAST NIGHT!!! (well, it and the sushi that i wanted to eat, yet couldn't afford...let's just say that my dream was on crack o.o;;;;)

dude,........i'm going to sit in the bookstore reading a physics book until the answer comes to me....either that, or I'll forget about it and go to Tokyo Bowl instead o.o;;;;;;.................................mmmmmmmmmmmmyep ^^

anywho...GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TEEEEEEEEST!!!!!!!!!!! *does a super lucky dance with finger cymbals for Prism* Wheeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that Muth keels over and dies from inhaling a booger o.o!!! yes!!! XD and away to school i fly...i lurve being in a constant state of lateness....put that on your physics test! make a theory for my constant lateness!!! he *might* give you extra credit if you drew me...i'm cuuuuuuuuute ^^v! ME WITH PENCILS UP MY NOSE!!!

you see...this is WHY i'm always late, lol.....anywho....gg for real, y0.....i'll be back on later tongiht, maybe o.o......i get to have a steak dinner tonight, whee!!!!!!!! ^^ but i'll possibly be on after school...which will prolly be......2ish or so....who knows...traffic is evil.....

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