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Date Posted: 14:18:03 01/29/03 Wed
Author: Roxy
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Subject: i have just gotten through sitting in traffic...for an HOUR...*
In reply to: Roxy 's message, "I have....failed you Prism o.o..." on 10:06:45 01/29/03 Wed

i'm not talking stop and go...i'm not talking creeping at 3 mph the whole way...i'm talking turn off the car and sit on the hood, you ain't goin NOWHERE traffic...o.o.

it was most unholy.

annnnnnd........i had an empty gas tank and a full bladder the entire time...but i couldn't get off the interstate because the wreck was taking up TWO EXITS XP! it was scary...they had a BUTTLOAD of people (at least ten or so) on stretchers and had lifelight and five ambulances and a bajillion cop cars..... o.o;;; but i got to blare queensryche, so it was all good. o.o....

i cannot wait for the steak....

my mind is thinking weird things...my friend said something...i don't remember what...but i remember that i suddenly got an image of a man dressed in a penis costume chasing a naked blonde chic around a table in my head o.o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

and this is precisely why i need more protein and more sleep. o.o

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