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Subject: Re: "Team"

Gary Stotler #93
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Date Posted: 22:59:30 10/02/06 Mon
Author Host/IP: cpe-67-49-195-242.bak.res.rr.com/
In reply to: Keikei 's message, "Re: "Team"" on 17:02:15 10/02/06 Mon

Well Eddie Jackson has put in his time, he was one of the most committed players we had at one point. Now his work schedule does not let him practice, the coaches know that and rightfully so let him play because they know if he could he would, he's put in his time and im glad he's playing. You need to look at it this way kiekie the coaches expect more out of "you" than others as you should be a leader on the team. That just wasn't the right time to bring it up what ever the problem you were having anyways. There was to much chitchating to hear a damn thing, not to mention most of us were happy to get the "W" and didnt want to hear that kind of banter. I do agree with you 100% though and have pointed out that people that dont go to practice shouldn't play, it's not right , but at the same time I have seen some of the guys that get on the field who do practice give up which angers me evem more. Alot of people on the team look up to you kiekie and some of those days when you were a no-show no-call it let down a few people. My only point is really if you have a problem take it up at the appropriate time dont bring down others, thats what practice is for. I'll be right there with ya bro trying to get the point across. This is it we either turn or burn at this point. This is probably going to be the last tough game we have and I want to be prepared dont you? we have to win these next four games. So lets work out what ever we need to work out tomorrow or thursday.

See you at practice.

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Re: "Team"keikei #323:58:54 10/02/06 Mon

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