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Subject: Re: "Team"

Big Game (Old times again)
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Date Posted: 20:22:39 10/02/06 Mon
Author Host/IP: adsl-75-15-234-240.dsl.bkfd14.sbcglobal.net/
In reply to: Keikei 's message, "Re: "Team"" on 17:02:15 10/02/06 Mon

>Listen i understand what you are saying. But most of
>us had the right to come at the TEAM like we did.. ( I
>may of over did it) but shit it had to be said unless
>i would of held it in and alot of others would of as
>well. It is just not fair for most of us who are there
>at practice to work are ass's off and even find
>babysitters for are kids just to go to practice and
>miss work.. Then go to the game and have people who
>never show'd up to practice take the spot light. That
>is not how u keep people on the team or together at
>that.. For instance i was so called said to miss
>practice last thursday which i was there and i didn't
>play against the firehawks which pissed me off.. Then
>i come to this game and we have a player who played
>only 1 game and never showed up to practice playing
>and scoring touchdowns lol ROFL ??? feel my pain?
>Others feel the same way.. I want to win and win
>playoff's as much as everyone else maybe even more
>that is prolly why i get more angry then most.. and
>the only coaching i am guilty of saying is when im
>telling everyone even the coach, that IM buring the
>shit out of there corner and to through a post to me
>and we will score. That is the only thing im saying
>which is true! everyone know's what i can do and that
>is all i was saying.. There is alot of things i have
>to say but i'll leave that for practice and if it
>doesn't work out or none of us can come to an
>understanding then, this team is prolly not for most
>of "us" then..
>keikdasneak AKA KEIKEI # 3
Shame on the owner again,hes up to his old tricks..say one thing and do something else......grow up and learn to coach....play the the boys who are there and quit calling guys that arent there and paying them to show up and killing you team...hey try it for just one year and see if you might just win with class insead of your lying ways to your team...hey you got talent.... try coaching it ..oh maybe you dont know how....my bad...get some coaches than...but I will say you got a bunch of good kids that want to play and this comes from many coaches around town and by the way dont you have a bit of the Blitz..do you think they are watching...owner/coach...still a fan and maybe a sponors....Big Game

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Re: "Team"Dennis Sherrell23:27:38 10/02/06 Mon

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