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Subject: Re: "Team"

Big Game (Keep it going)
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Date Posted: 21:29:43 10/03/06 Tue
Author Host/IP: adsl-75-15-234-240.dsl.bkfd14.sbcglobal.net/
In reply to: Dennis Sherrell 's message, "Re: "Team"" on 23:27:38 10/02/06 Mon

>Big Game, don't know who you are and obviously you
>don't want anyone to know who you are or you would use
>you real name. You must be a player that lost his
>position or ex-player. First of all I have never paid
>anyone to play for this team, nor will I ever. Yes we
>do pay for the cost of the team with no help from any
>player, you or anyone else. Yes I did call some
>players last week to find out if they were going to
>play and be at practices or I was going to cut them
>from our roster. I had to turn in our final roster at
>Sunday’s league meeting. We try our best to encourage
>players to be at practice. "Lying ways" we try our
>best to set rules for the players to follow, some
>players are in touch with me about their work
>schedules and I feel supporting your family has to be
>foremost. We tell players if they don’t come to
>practice they won’t start, Players who do not come to
>practice do not start. I have had to make some
>exceptions when the player has a good excuse and had
>been in touch with me and because I felt it was best
>for the team. If that is considered a lie, then you
>got me, I lied, you or no one else can honestly say I
>have lied about anything else. But if they make the
>game and I feel we need them at some point in the
>game, then we will use them. Example, last Saturday
>night, the player in question has been with the
>Panthers from the beginning and has given a lot to the
>Panthers over the past several years. He has called
>me and I have discussed his work schedule with him, he
>did not start, but when he was used in the second
>half, he scored a 65 yard touchdown to put us a head
>with less than 1 1/2 minutes left on the clock. At
>that moment every real Panther Fan and player was glad
>he was in the game. A real Panther Fan or sponsor
>would not question are motives of who is on the field,
>they would not know who was at practice, they would
>have just been happy we won. But I spoke with him
>prior to the game and I don’t need to make our
>conversation public. However, not one player can say
>they have not missed practices, some have missed
>several practices and many have missed a game or two.
>Some of the biggest complainers have missed practices
>and a game, without a single phone call to let us
>know. I never claimed to be a great coach, in fact I
>don’t claim to be a coach. Adam is our coach, and
>probably the best one we have ever had, Coach Press
>was good too. We work hard to make this happen, if I
>have to coach to make it happen than I will give all I
>can to make it the best I can and when it comes to a
>point where players aren’t happy and it is no longer
>fun, we will shut it down for good. But we have made
>it happen for 8 years now, longer than most teams in
>existence now. Until you have your own team you will
>not have the foggiest idea of what it takes to make
>this all happen and as long as we make it happen, we
>will decide what is best or not best. We will
>continue to do our best. It is obvious you post is
>here to put me down, but “Big Game” means nothing to
>me and if you would like to really discuss this, be a
>man and speak with me. I want nothing more than to
>make this the best we can. I agree with you this is
>the best bunch of guys we have had since we started
>the program in 1999. This is not about individuals,
>it is about a team. When a few of the players realize
>that, we will truly be a team. We have banned certain
>players from the team because they were like a cancer
>and we had to cut them out. We want a Semi Pro
>Football Team, not a bunch of Saturday Night thugs.
>If any of our current players would like to speak
>about this, be at practice, I don’t want division, I
>want unity. We really do this for you guys that want
>to play football and for Bakersfield. Think about it,
>because I can’t think of any other reason. It’s a big
>expense, no money in it, takes time from our family to
>be at practice, then we have to be ridiculed by people
>like “Big Game” that has no game and then try to keep
>53 players happy. Try it, you would probably end up
>like the last team that tried it, FOLDED.
>But to the Panther Players, great game Saturday night.

WEll well well did not expect to such a long respons.But ok nice writing,Now the fact is there have been several players in the past that would testify that you stroked their plams with some green...but forget that, what we want is just for you guy the bring home the gold and it sounds like you got the talent and the desire all you need is the heart...buy the way Big Game is more that just one fan.....good luck this week and boys get your win!!!...were watching

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Re: "Team"Dennis Sherrell22:02:56 10/03/06 Tue

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