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Subject: Re: "Team"

Big Game (well be there)
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Date Posted: 23:44:04 10/03/06 Tue
Author Host/IP: adsl-75-15-234-240.dsl.bkfd14.sbcglobal.net/
In reply to: Dennis Sherrell 's message, "Re: "Team"" on 22:02:56 10/03/06 Tue

>Well I appreciate the fact that you are rooting for
>the team, at least we have something in common, and I
>am sure the players are too. I would challenge any
>player to testify that I have ever paid them. I have
>never ever paid anyone and if anyone has said I have,
>is an out right liar. If I have helped anyone it was
>because they needed it for gas, food or other
>necessities of life, and they did not have to be on
>the team. I think that is enough said about that, I
>am not looking for accolades. I just don’t want lies
>flying around. Believe it or not Gig Game, I hate
>lies. Thanks again for your support and concern for
>the Panthers. It would really help if you could
>spread the word, The Panthers are worth going to watch
>play. We will be back at Bakersfield College this
>Saturday at 7:00 PM.

Brother good luck with you and we will be tell fans to be at the game and good luck again and big Game will be watching ..oh by the way Coach paul press was good and there was another cat a few years back that got your offense kicking pretty good as well bigs to him as well....kick butt this weekend boys....... your friends

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