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Date Posted: 23:30:10 02/08/03 Sat
Author: Mystique
Subject: special moves

The new patch has told us what weapons have what special moves....

To find this, create a UO client macro called Open Combatbook and run it...

Armor Ignore
Allows the skilled warrior to bypass his target's physical resistance. Does slightly less damage than normal. Against a heavily armored opponent, this ability is a big win.

Swords – Hatchet, Long Sword, Broadsword, Katana
Fence – Kryss, Spear
Mace – Hammer Pick, War Axe
Archery - Composite Bow
??? – Bladed Staff

Bleed Attack
When successful, the target will bleed for several seconds, taking damage as time passes for up to ten seconds. The rate of damage slows down as time passes, and the blood loss can be completely staunched with the use of bandages.

Swords – Cleaver, Large Battle Axe, Battle Axe, Executioners Axe, Cutlass
Fence – War Fork
Mace – War Mace, War Axe
Archery - nil
?? - Scythe, Pitchfork

Concussion Blow
This devastating strike is most effective against those who are in good health and whose reserves of mana are low, or vice versa.

Swords - Long Sword, Battle Axe, Halberd
Fence –
Mace - Maul, Mace, Gnarled Staff, Quarter Staff
Archery - Crossbow
?? – Lance

Crushing Blow
This attack dramatically increases the damage done by a weapon reaching its mark.

Swords - Viking Sword, Axe, Broadsword
Mace - Shepherds Crook, Smiths Hammer, Maul, War Mace, War Hammer, Sledge Hammer
?? - Scepter

This attack allows you to disarm your foe. Leaves the victim unable to re-arm another weapon for several seconds.

Bare Hands
Swords - Butcher Knife, Pickaxe, Skinning Knife, Hatchet
Fencing - War Fork
Mace – Mace, Shepherds Crook
?? - Wand

The fighter using this ability must be on his own two feet and not in the saddle of a steed (with one exception: players may use a lance to dismount other players while mounted). Take some extra damage from the fall.

Swords - Bardiche, Axe
Fencing - Pitchfork
Mace - Club
Archery - Heavy Crossbow
?? - Bladed Staff, Wand, Lance

Double Strike
The highly skilled warrior can use this special attack to make two quick swings in succession.

Swords – Pickaxe, Two Handed Axe, Double Axe, Scimitar, Katana
Fence –
Mace – Quarter Staff
Archery – Repeating Crossbow
??? - Crescent Blade, Double Bladed Staff

Targets will no longer be poisoned at random when hit by poisoned weapons. Instead, the wielder must use this ability to deliver the venom. Being knowledgeable in Poisoning will allow you to use Infectious Strike at reduced mana cost and with a chance to inflict more deadly poison on his victim. Weapons will no longer be corroded by poison. Level 5 poison will be possible.

Swords – Butcher Knife, Cleaver
Fencing - Dagger, Kryss
?? - Double Bladed Staff, Pike

Mortal Strike
A successful Mortal Strike will render its victim unable to heal any damage for several seconds.

Swords - Executioners Axe
Fence - Short Spear
Mace - Hammer Pick
Archery - Crossbow, Bow
?? - Bone Harvester, Crescent Blade, Scepter

Moving Shot
Allows archers to fire while on the move. Less accurate than normal.

Archery - Heavy Crossbow, Composite Bow, Repeating Crossbow

Paralyzing Blow
A successful Paralyzing Blow will leave the target stunned, unable to move, attack, or cast spells, for a few seconds.

Bare Hands
Swords - Viking Sword, Bardiche, Scimitar
Fencing - Spear
Mace - Gnarled Staff, Black Staff
Archery - Bow
???- Pike, Scythe, Bone Harvester

Shadow Strike
This powerful ability requires secondary skills to activate. Successful use of Shadowstrike deals extra damage to the target — and renders the attacker invisible! Only those who are adept at the art of stealth will be able to use this ability.

Swords - Skinning Knife, Two Handed Axe, Cutlass
Fencing - Dagger, Short Spear
Mace - Smiths Hammer, Club, Sledge Hammer

Whirlwind Attack
The Whirlwind Attack allows the fighter to strike at all nearby targets in one mighty spinning swing.

Swords - Large Battle Axe, Halberd, Double Axe
Mace - War Hammer, Black Staff

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